Friday, December 13, 2013

Charity Event Tips: Publicizing Charity Events

Once the plan for an event is in motion, planners must worry about how they will reach attendees and prospective attendees to be present at their charity's next big fundraiser. The most effective event planners know that modern event-goers are glued to computer and cell phone screens. That is why a survey which asks for event goers' preferred means of event notifications shows that Email and word of mouth are the most effective means for reaching out.

The survey mentioned above proves that email is clearly the most effective and cost efficient way to reach a large constituency quickly. But it also shows word of mouth as the second most effective way, proving that human interaction and personal connections play a vital role in convincing people to attend events. However, you still have more options if you include Facebook and Twitter, two online social networking sites that are steadily expanding every year. Facebook and Twitter are the third and fourth most effective means of communication according to the survey.

Invest a little time. Since more than 81% of the survey's respondents said that Facebook is effective and 32.8% said that Twitter is effective, there is no reason your charity should not be on these sites! Since they are free of charge, set up pages, groups, and accounts today for your organization as well as for all your upcoming events. Extend invitations to all your board and committee members. Be sure to ask them to turn right around and invite their own sets of contacts to join. Also, invite any attendees from previous years' events rosters. Expanding your prospective charitable event attendee network has never been easier.

Almost instantly, you'll leverage two of the most popular and effective Internet networking tools to shore up your base, promote your events, and inform people about the good work your organization does. And if you continue to send out emails and spread excitement for your charity and its events by word of mouth, you'll be in great shape for your next event. Check out the benefits of Facebook pages for organizations by looking at marketing tools available on different websites and even online ticketing websites. Join the group and you will receive frequent event updates, be able to look at various picture albums, and communicate with other charities or event goers in minutes!

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