Saturday, March 9, 2013

8 Questions to Ask When Scheduling Your Event

The date and time of your corporate event can have a huge impact on the success or failure of the event. To have the best event possible, you have to consider the time of year the event is being held, what else is going on around the same time, and how the event will fit into the rest of your guests' day.

Ask these eight questions when planning the date and time of your event:

  1. What time of year are you planning the event? Are there any holidays that might interfere? This may seem obvious, but many events are inadvertently planned too close to a long weekend or religious holiday. Make sure you check the calendar for all religions and not just Christian ones.

  2. Are there any price advantages or disadvantages to the selected date? You might be able to save money by changing the date.

  3. Will your guests be traveling to your event? If they are, early morning meetings might not be possible. Traveling guests who are not staying over may also be inclined to leave an event early. Factor in rush hour in these cases as well.

  4. Is the event planned for a high-work load time of year? Every industry has peak times that are busier than most. If your event is scheduled during one of these peaks, you may get fewer attendees or attendees who do not stay as long as they normally would. Salespeople, for example, often need to work extra hard at the end of the month to meet their targets. If you see guests talking on their phones during breaks or slipping out to take care of business and not coming back, you likely scheduled your event poorly.

  5. What day of the week is it?/ Corporate events and fundraisers are often most successful if scheduled for mid-week or on Saturday night.

  6. Will your guests need to change clothes if coming to/from the office? If so, you will need to schedule the start of the event a little later.

  7. Are there any major sporting events scheduled at the same day/time as your event? Any significant cultural events or festivals?

  8. Does your event coincide with any school breaks? Guests may be travelling on vacation when the children are out of school.

By asking these questions, you can avoid scheduling your event at the same time as a competing event. You will also be able to plan your event so that it meets the timing needs of the majority of your guests. Remember, if your guests can't arrive on time at the start of the event, they will often decide not to go at the last minute. Make sure the majority of your guests have plenty of time to arrive at your event and are ready to have a great time.

Online Home Business Ideas - 7 Surefire Money Makers To Run From Home

Do you dream of starting an online home business that generates instant cash flow? Learn how to be your own boss with a method so simple, you can learn it overnight. These online home business ideas are fun and easy to start.

Online Home Business Ideas - 7 Surefire Money Makers To Run From Home Now!

**more home business ideas available below

1. City Guide Site

If you love your home town or city, then why not tell the world about it and make money. You can build a website about your favorite places to see and sell advertising space on your website to local businesses.

I really like this idea, it's fun and helps your local businesses gain new customers. Starting an online business guide site may be your ticket to financial freedom.

2. Personal Home Kitchen Designer

If you have a natural flare for designing kitchens you can set-up your own design business. You can purchase special software and learn how to dazzle clients with your fresh ideas.

Local hardware stores or specialty shops that sell kitchen cabinets may want to recommend your services to their customers. Word of mouth marketing is free and works well. You'll want to build a website that showcases your designs to attract more clients and make more money.

3. Professional Scrapbooking

Are you a superb scrapbooker? Then you could be making big money doing something you love.

You'll meet with your clients to gather their photos and mementos. Then organize them into beautiful unique works of art.

You can market your services to new brides, mothers, holiday and special event planners, etc. The possibilities are endless when you use your imagination.

4. Assembly Services

Do you enjoy puzzles and figuring out how to put things together? Then an assembly business is perfect for you. You'll assemble items such as bookshelves, dressers, and desk.

People buy furnishings online for bargain prices, but hate assembling them. This is where you come in and offer your services for a price.

5. Infopreneur

An infopreneur is a web writer who provides problem solving information and recommends relevant products to the reader seeking solutions. This business is perfect for the "know it all" types. I personally love this business and highly recommend it.

You can build a website to post your "How To" articles or join a high-end article directory. The key to success in this business is good keyword research.

Keywords are what people type into search engines like Google looking for answers. Simply write an easy to read solution, suggest a relevant product or service, and earn a commission.

6. Car Buying Broker

Most people don't like hassling with car salespeople. If you're a natural negotiator, this could be a good business for you to start.

You find out what your client is looking for and secure the deal for a price. You can charge a flat fee or a percentage of how much you save your client on their new car.

Dealerships will gladly work with you because you'll keep new customers coming in if they offer bargain rates to your clients.

7. Social Media Consultant

If you are a Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter guru then you're in the position to make some money.

Social networking has become a billion dollar industry. You can cash in by marketing yourself as a consultant. This is an excellent online home business idea for the Internet savvy.

You'll help small business owners set up accounts to attract new customers. It may seem simple to you, but there are people who will pay you big bucks for your social networking talents.

Things To Do Now:

  • Pick a business you will love. Make a list of your hobbies, talents, and interest.

  • Next, choose the topic you know a lot about and you're good at.

  • Research your competition for ideas and business planning

  • Finally, draft a 12 month business plan to follow. This is very important, don't skip this part.

Basics Of Event Management

I recently read this article by Rob Alcraft from Pressure Works - I think it is well written and poses some of the major questions you need to ask yourself when organising an event.

What can an event do for you? It can get your campaign...

* noticed.

* Give momentum.

* Give focus.

1. Know what it is you want your event to achieve.

2. Spend time on your idea, and think it through. Be prepared to modify or abandon all or parts of your original idea.

3. Start with modest ambitions.

4. Know how you will judge your success - have a target.

5. Give your event a clear and manageable focus that will work.

6. Don't reject traditional events just because they seem old-fashioned.- People still hold things like fetes and jumble sales for a good reason: they still work. Public meetings can be dull, but yours doesn't have to be.

7. Find something quirky to make your event stand out.

8. Write down what makes your event special. Don't lose this focus.

9. Make sure your event will work locally, with the people that live locally.

10. Go to similar events. Decide why these work, or why they don't.

11. Get a team together

12. To organise an event you will need people who can share the effort. Choose people you can work with - and enlist people who have the expertise you need.

* Make it clear who does what, and who decides what.

* Get people to do that they're good at, and what they know about.

* Write responsibilities down, with contact details and planning deadlines. Give everyone a copy.

* Make sure the people on your team have what they need to do their jobs, and then let them get on with it.

* Meet up regularly with you team to check progress, but don't bore people unconscious, or try and take over their lives. Keep meetings brief and to the point. Perhaps lighten them up by holding them in a pub or cafe.

* Help each other out, back each other up.

Why is anyone going to come you your event? How much will they pay? Are you aiming at local shoppers, or a hip crowd? You need to decide before you start.

* Design your event for the people you want to turn up.

* Don't be ashamed of bullying your friends into turning up. If they bring three people each you're already on the way to success.

* Be pessimistic about attendance, try to make your event work on a worst-case basis, then everything else is extra.

* Ask around, do your research. How do similar events succeed?

* If you have a publicity stunt in mind. Test it first - give the local press a call to find out whether they will cover it.

* How many people do you need to make your event work? Are there really enough of the right sort of people in your area?

Make a budget

Your event will hinge on money. Draw up a careful list that includes all your event costs, and all the money you think you'll take. Tempting though it is, don't just guess, find out what realistic figures will be - investigate, ask around.

* Your budget will tell you if your event is worth doing, or just too much work for the expected return.

* Use contacts to get goods and services donated.

* If your event has tickets, get your organising team to commit themselves to selling a minimum number.

* Where will deposits come from, and who will cover losses?

* Can you insure your event against catastrophe?

* Is there a cheaper or more straightforward way of achieving your aim?

Make a plan

Even a fairtrade coffee tasting takes planning. Allow time. You need time to gather volunteers, time to publicise the event, time to have posters printed and get tickets sold.

* Write your plan down, and involve your team in seeing it through.

* Book and confirm all important details in writing before spending money on printing and publicity.

* Plan who's doing what, and when they're doing it. Make sure they have the support and help they need.

* Check on the progress of important items in your plan.

Make a date

Choose your date carefully. You may be so excited about your fridge lifting competition that you're not interested in the World Cup Final, but others may think differently.

* Avoid clashes with televised finals and competing local events.

* Is there a festival or calendar date with which you could link your event?

* If on the day publicity is important, plan your event to dovetail with local media deadlines.

Your venue

Visit your venue, and check it has the facilities you need for your event. And don't spend out more than you have to. A humble church hall will cost a few dollars to hire, and can be transformed with the right decorator's instinct. Judge your market carefully and choose the venue accordingly.

* Is your venue happy with your planned event?

* How many people will your venue hold?

* Check your venue insurance covers your event.

* Make sure of all names and venue contacts.

* Have your booking confirmed in writing.

* Will your venue work whatever the weather?

* Is there enough parking?

* Is there a bus? Will you need to lay on transport?

* Who's paying for security?

* Who's paying for cleaning?

* Book a venue that's too small - rather than one that's too big. Events - especially meetings - feel more successful if people are little squeezed.

* Don't expect to be overwhelmed. As a rule of thumb judge success as half filling a venue, and treat everything else as extra.

* Find out from the local authorities, the police and your venue what you're allowed to do.

* Notify the local authorities and the police of your event. Do it in writing and get a contact name and phone number you can use on the day of your event.

* Make sure you're covered by some kind of insurance, and that you are not making yourself liable for some giant cost.

* Even if your event is a guerrilla protest, make sure you, and the people taking part, know the relevant law. Only in this way can you avoid being arrested or just moved on.

Get freebies

Wheel, deal and scrounge as many freebies as possible. If you have a programme sell advertising space. If you need a prize, get one donated.

* Tell people why your event matters.

* Ask local businesses to support you.

* Ask local groups to support you.

* Use contacts and friends to help get freebies.

Get publicity

Your event will live or die by its publicity. So make sure people know your event is happening. Get free publicity if you can, but the larger your event, the less you can rely on freebies. Be prepared to pay to place ads in local papers, and pay to print posters and flyers.

* Write down why your event is unique, and why people should come. Use this information to help you focus and hone your publicity.

* Target publicity at the people you want at your event.

* Tell everyone you know - word of mouth is one of the most valuable forms of publicity.

* Contact local radio stations, which often have slots for local events.

* Get posters up in as many shops and newsagents as possible.

* Consider a door drop or town centre leafleting campaign.

* Use a celebrity if you can get one.

* Use or add something unusual, quirky or newsworthy to your event to attract attention.

* Make sure your ads and posters include the basic details like dates, times, places and directions.

* Be imaginative with your posters. For example, try using staggered roadside signs, spaced so drivers' absorb dates and attractions as they drive by.

* Use flyers and leaflets that are bright, striking and clear.

* Use any memberships you have on your team, from the gym to the local church, to get your event publicised and supported. Get announcements made, and posters up.

On the day

For any event there are endless things to remember. Here's our checklist - but don't use it! Make your own. Be sure all aspects of your event are covered, that someone is responsible for that item, and that they have a deadline to get it done by:

* Who's booked the printers?

* Who's put a poster in their window?

* Who's put a poster in your Granny's window?

* Make sure everyone knows who's doing what!

* Who's meeting your speakers?

* Is all the equipment sorted - including the extension cables?

* Have you tested it?

* Can you turn the lights off? Where are the light switches?

* Do your speakers now how long they've got? Who will hurry them up?

* Have they got everything they need?

* Do the speakers represent a wide community of backgrounds and ages?

* Are you allowing time for questions?

* Who's taking them out afterwards?

* Who's introducing guests, seating them, thanking them?

* Will people be given something to take away?

* Are you expecting people to sit in a chair for four hours without moving? Does your event have variety - will people have a chance to do, as well as listen?

* Who's supervising parking?

* Who's doing the food?

* Who's got the change?

* Who's talking to the police?

* Will your mobile get a signal?

* Who's talking to the media, and what will they say?

* What will you do if the band doesn't turn up?

* What will you do if it rains?

* Who holds the keys for your event?

* Who holds the spare keys? Who has their phone number?

* Who collecting and banking the money?

* Do you need to say thank you to someone?

* Who is going to clean up?

* Can you roll your event out again next year?

Audiovisual Basics for Novice Event Planners

So you are new to the event meeting services industry. Congratulations! Now you are ready to plan your first event, and you are wondering about this budget line item called audio visual. Renting audio visual equipment is one of the most important budget line items because it helps make the presentation come to life.

Regardless of the type of event, appropriate sound and lighting rental, projector and screen rental, and PowerPoint presentation equipment will play a part in determining the success of your event, as perceived and remembered by the attendees.


The most basic meeting, under 25 people, will require a flip chart, easel, whiteboard, and/or podium. It is best to ask the speaker what he will need and make certain to get that in writing both from the speaker and the venue or


Lighting equipment rentals allow the audience to see the speaker. If the speaker is at a podium, the light on the structure helps them easily see their notes. You will want to test it to make certain the light works before the meeting and have an extra bulb handy if it burns out. The audience needs to see well enough to read workbooks, handouts, and their own notes. When using screen rentals, lower lighting makes the presentation more visible and prevents it from appearing washed out.

If the presenter is staying at the podium, a cabled microphone mounted to the podium gives the presenter the freedom to operate the PowerPoint presentation equipment. These mics come with a flexible goose-neck holder and allow the speaker to point it in the most comfortable position. Another option for the presenter is a wireless lavaliere microphone that is worn clipped to clothing or as an earpiece. These small mics give the presenter freedom to roam around the room without compromising the sound quality to the audience.

When using sound with PowerPoint, you need to plug the computer into the sound system in the meeting room or utilize a set of external speakers to ensure the attendees can hear.

PowerPoint presentation equipment reigns as the most widely used presentation system with event meeting services companies. Relatively simple to master, PowerPoint allows users to create slide presentations featuring a variety of backgrounds, fonts, audio, and visual effects.

When setting up the screen, you should make certain the bottom of the screen is at least 2 feet off the bottom of the floor to insure the audience can see the entire screen.

When should you work with a professional corporate audiovisual provider?
If you are coordinating a meeting or event with break out sessions in several rooms or if multiple microphones are being used in one room or the audio visual requirements are becoming too complex, it is probably time to bring in audio visual specialists. An event audio visual rental firm will analyze your needs and budget and then recommend the best equipment for your desired results. Consult an AV service provider early in the process so expensive, last minute changes can be avoided due to poor planning.

How Can You Keep Your Registrant Data Secure Over The Web?

Organizing an event is a daunting task for organizers. In addition to that, there is this constant stress of deciding the venue, looking for sponsors and other related activities. These activities leave organizers with little time to directly keep track of the attendee registration and payment processes. Many of the organizers are seen to appoint volunteers to take care of these activities. With such sensitive data to manage and take care of, many a time volunteers too, lose track of the information. This can lead to miscommunication and prospective delegates may lose interest in attending your event. Nowadays, various companies have come up with Cloud-based software platforms that help you in effective and systematic streamlining of your data.

Event organizers can have an altogether different event planning experience by resorting to the Cloud computing platform. The interface not only eliminates the hassles of manual registrations but is also flexible, cost effective and user-friendly that adds to your convenience. The best part is that you do not have to install any additional hardware or software plug-ins to use this software. Moreover, by resorting to this service, you can also simplify your registration process. Simple, online automated registration system not only brings in more attendees for your event but also leads to an overall attendee convenience. However, before choosing such a service, you must doubly verify whether it is PCI compliant solution which is SSL certified. These certifications prevent you as well your attendees from falling in trap of any kind of fraudulent activities. It will also give you an assurance that the personal and financial information of your attendees remains totally secure in central data base which is only accessible by ones given permission or access details.

Choosing a secure online service can shorten your event planning process. It reduces your stress level significantly and at the same time gives you the assurance that your registrant's information is safeguarded at the highest possible level. Opting for a well certified online service provider also enhances your company's visibility, value and brand name. You will also be able to gain your attendees' confidence who will no longer fell threatened about sharing their personal information over the web.

Since the introduction of advanced registration services, manual registrations have become a thing of the past. With secure online registrations gaining momentum, an increasing number of attendees nowadays flock to attend such events that provide them with convenient and secure online registrations and payment platforms within a single interface. Like organizers, the attendees must also verify whether the company they are registering for, provides them with the necessary security measures. At the same time organizers should also remember that securing attendee information is crucial to the success of your event.

Opt for one of the advanced and secure Cloud computing platforms for your event and you are bound to make an impression on your attendees.

Become a Top Wedding Planner - Wedding Portfolio Do's and Don'ts

As a new wedding planner, you'll need to create a portfolio of your wedding planning experiences so you can show potential clients what you have done.

Here are some Do's and Don'ts for putting together your first one:


  • Invest in an attractive, high-quality photo album or binder. Remember this is a representation of your work, make it impressive.

  • Make sure you use clear, sharp, high-quality photographs taken with a digital camera, not a cell phone. Cell phone photographs are often too grainy when they are printed.

  • Take the time to attractively organize the photographs on each page of your portfolio.

  • Let the brides and grooms whose photos you use know they will appear in your portfolio.

  • Be ready to talk about the photographs and other information you decide to place in your portfolio; for example, favors you created, worksheets you use for planning, etc. Practice what you'll say and remember to highlight the benefits of working with you.


  • Worry if some of the photos are from weddings you planned for free.

  • Use photographs of anything you didn't do yourself. If things you didn't handle are in the photos, for instance, centerpieces that you didn't design, give appropriate credit.

  • Include photographs from other types of events that you plan. For instance, don't feature photos from corporate events and children's parties, stay focused on selling the benefits of your wedding planning services.

  • Just hand the portfolio to someone to let them look at it themselves. Review pages with them and tell the story behind each picture. If you show your timelines and worksheets, talk about how your clients benefited from your highly-organized system of planning weddings.

  • Make up testimonials! (Yes, I've seen this.) Ask former clients, even those whose weddings you did for free, to give you testimonials that you can quote in all of your marketing materials, and ask them if they would be willing to be references.

Remember to bring your portfolio to your first meetings with potential clients and wedding vendors whom you want to add to your network. And don't be afraid to brag a little about the fabulous benefits your clients get when they hire you to plan their weddings.

Event Planners - A Close Look at The Job and Tasks Involved

An event organizer is a person or company in charge of promotional events. The job includes various phases, from the initial planning stage down to its actual execution.

In the planning stage, the organizer might first need to meet with the potential client. The job here is to ask the customer what kind of event he or she wants. Some clients want a party that doubles as an event kick off, while others might want a musical performance.

Once this part is over, the event organizer will now function as a master of logistics. This includes finding the right artists to provide entertainment that is in line with the product or company's image. It also includes hiring reliable receptionists and caterers who will welcome guests and serve food during the party. This individual will also work to find you the right venue. Part of the job also includes finding technical services to ensure that all audio and video equipment is working properly.

During the product or company launch, this individual will need to be on top of the situation. This means coordinating with the clients whenever possible. It also translates to attending to VIP guest requests for food, giveaways, and anything else in between.

What other services can they give?

Yet another part of the job would be to administer or coordinate surveys related to the event. Some organizers carry this out during the event by asking guests what products they liked. Others may send out a full-scale questionnaire that guests and participants will answer.

Will the person analyze costs in every activity?

Yes, the person might analyze costs but the client will still have a final say whether to continue with certain activities or not. Compared to say, accountants, event planners are not number crunchers. Their job has more to do with administration and implementation. If a client finds the costs burdensome, the organizers might suggest alternatives, but not ways to cut down on expenses.

What service types are available?

It depends on the company hired for the job. Some firms specialize in providing services only. What you get in this service is a person or a group of people working to get everything organized. You pay the firm and pay for everything else they hired or bought on your behalf.

A comprehensive package is another service available. In this setup, you hire a company that has essentially everything you need. They have the organizers, equipment, and possible locations covered.

How much will I spend if I hire one?

It depends on expertise and services offered. Popular firms may charge slightly higher than others, since they already have an established reputation. The main benefit, however, is getting experience and fame on your side.

Having a new or relatively new marketing company is another possible choice. The arrangement may cost less since these firms have yet to be famous. The main advantage is cost and services extended. Most startup ventures are eager to please since they want to have more clients.

Hiring an event planner is a great idea, but the process may take some time. If you want to hire one, get referrals from friends and family. Use the Internet if you want to find out about the latest packages and how much these cost.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Hiring an Event Organizer

The planning of an event takes a lot of patience, dedication, and perseverance in order to be able to pull off a huge success without anything going wrong. One needs to figure out how many people have been invited to the event, how much food to order for the event, how many seats to set up, where the event will take place, as well as finish other various small jobs that need to be done. The main reason that many people choose to hire an event organizer is because there is so much work to do that they absolutely cannot handle the job themselves; event organizers can help with everything from booking a hotel or event place to ordering the exact number of cookies that are needed for everyone attending.

Where to Find Event Organizers

The big question comes when one actually needs to find an event organizer to help them plan and carry out a large party or event. It can often be difficult to actually choose a party organizer if there are too many to choose from or too few to choose from as well. However, the best way to start out finding helpers and event organizers is to start looking in business and phone directories. If you live in a big city or metro area, chances are that there are going to be plenty to choose from.

The first question you'll want to ask a potential event organizer is how much experience they've had, if they have taken any educational courses in event planning, and how long they've been planning events around the area in which you live. Of course, the price that they charge matters as well, but first you'll want to make sure that you're comfortable with their level of experience and expertise.

What Event Organizers Can Help With

Of course, an event or party organizer can help from everything large to every small matter, but if you don't need a full event organizer to plan the whole engagement or party then they may also be available just to supervise or consult with as well. Many types of event organizers usually offer up their services as a complete package to individuals, but they may also offer simple consultation sessions as well.

On the other hand, one alternative to hiring an event organizer can simply be an assistant for the party planning as well. If you don't need to or want to pay the full service price of an event organizer then hiring a planning assistant can often be a tremendous help as well. For example, an assistant can help set up the event the day that it's happening, call around to check prices for catering, and do all of the other small jobs that you don't have time to do.

All things considered, event organizers and planners are very useful individuals if a lot of help is needed. There are all sorts of places that these individuals can be found, but one thing that needs to be considered is whether they are absolutely needed for the price that they charge. Some event organizers oftentimes inflate the fees that they charge for their services, but they can truly be a good help if one needs it for planning an event.

Important Things To Remember When Planning A Party

The easiest way to celebrate an event nowadays is to hire a caterer. A wedding catering company will accommodate just about any event that their customer is planning whether it is a casual family gathering or a formal dinner. From birthdays, weddings, baptisms, graduations and even corporate gatherings, these events can be attended to by a BBQ catering service. The task left is to make sure that invitations have been sent out properly so people can attend the event.

When planning a party that is to be catered, there are several things that need to be taken into consideration. One of these important factors is the location of the event. At often times, this can be determined by the budget of the customer. By arranging this, the catering company can properly work its magic in planning out the event as well as how much equipment they will need for setting up the food and the decorations.

With regards to serving the food, there are two main options: buffet or plated. Once it is a buffet type of service, guests will line up on the area where the food is being served so they can put the food on their own plates. On the other hand, the plated option is a more reasonable option as the food has been portioned evenly according to the number of people attending the event. The plated option will require the help of more attendants or wait staff as compared to the buffet service.

There are also some events where they do not serve full meals. Instead of these, they serve finger foods as cocktails. These foods usually include small cut sandwiches, canap矇s, and hors d'oeuvres. Another idea is to put a flowing chocolate fountain alongside freshly cut fruits, nuts, marshmallows and candy. Usually, the finger food option is being chosen once the event will take place in the afternoon or early evening. This is so the guests can still eat dinner at home as they have only eaten light snacks in the event they attended. At the same time, this option is being chosen by the event planner in order to save money while still being able to impress his guests.

When expecting kids will attend the event, it is recommended that the food chosen can accommodate their taste buds as well as the adults. Since kids want sweeter foods, they can be served peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or even some ice cream, cupcakes, cheese sticks or ham and cheese rolls. When choosing to include these foods in the menu, the food for the adult menu can be as diverse and well suited for their own palate.

It is important to pay attention to the food being served in an event. This is because guests will remember the food more than the event. They will leave saying either the food was great or it was bad. As a result, choosing the right caterer is important so guests can be happy with the planned event. Go for a catering company that has been tested and proven when it comes to food tastes and preparation. When this is done, it can be sure that the party will be a success.

Reduce and Reuse - Eco-Event Planning

Stop the noise. One of the underlying themes behind the recent trend of sustainability is the call to de-clutter and simplify as much as possible. The call to reduce the flow of useless information, both verbal and written, belongs at the core of any green or eco-friendly event planning strategy. The justification for this can be easily witnessed whenever someone says, "We always do it this way." The new era of sustainable event planning is one that hails innovation and clarity of purpose. If something must be done, be sure to do it with as little spending as possible, produce as little waste as is manageable, consume little energy, and, for goodness sake, ensure it has strategic priority. You'll see what I mean. Keep reading.

When I think about the sustainability of an event, I like to think about the reoccurring ones as they're the most likely to have a stable audience. When an event happens at regular intervals, monthly or yearly, there's a unique opportunity to plan in such a way that you're engaging the new attendees and re-connecting with the returning ones. The event plan should take full advantage of the fact that you're not starting from scratch all the time. There are countless examples but for now try this on for size: All signage should be reusable. Stop making single-use signs. If the signs are branded that's fine but ideally a sign could be used for more than one event. Don't bother with putting a date on the sign; if they're people at the event they already know what day it is. If you need to put a bunch of content on it then do it up on a printed page so it can be removed. When it comes to sponsors, have a separate sign for their logos or, even better, find ways to recognize sponsors without signage. Now, let's not forget that the materials used to make the sign should also be recyclable (I'm so done with corrugated plastic and vinyl lettering).

Now, let's use this sponsor sign scenario to revisit the noise issue. Think back a few years. Yep, that's right... 1999 is a good place to start. Brand recognition and logo positioning were everything. Companies paid big bucks to have their logo splashed on everything in order to get as many impression counts as possible. We do not live in that era anymore. Sponsorships are more about strategic alliances, partnerships, and, ultimately, relationships. A gigantic smorgasbord of sponsor logos communicates none of these values. When wanting to highlight sponsors, keep it verbal or, at least, digital. Shy away from stacking logos on pages or signs because all it does is decrease the impact of any one logo and homogenize the contributions. I know that most planners like to assign metal categories, like platinum, gold, and silver, and that the bigger the logo the more love the company gave; but come on... let's get with the times.

Let's talk paper. Most brochures, flyers, info sheets, PowerPoint notes, and program guides are absolutely useless and are of no value whatsoever to event attendees. When an event includes the spoken and/or written word (which is pretty much every event with the exception of parties and maybe street mime) the gathering should have valuable content that communicated with purpose. It used to be that printing on recycled or post-consumer paper was the latest thing; that's now the bare minimum. What's trendy, in my books, is no printing at all. Another case in point is the program guide. What's wrong with a program guide you ask? In most cases, it's redundant, as the content has already been published online. Republishing a website in print format is a total waste of time and money. Event planners need to organize events in such a way that attendees don't depend on printed material. The cunning use of LCD projection or announcements is a start, or making a website viewable via a mobile device; these are ways to stop the printing press in its tracks. For a small conference you could easily save $5,000 by not designing and printing a program guide. If you're worried about hanging people out to dry, set up some computer kiosks in the lobby with the event website as the home page (or as the desktop screen saver or wallpaper showing the schedule).

The rise of the eco-conscious event industry has been much slower than one would hope. Events are by and large still grossly wasteful and the planners who bring it all together are often ill-equipped or inadequately empowered when it comes to making the decisions necessary to bring sustainable practices to their event project. When I say "your father's eco-friendly event," I mean that there's already old school eco-planning and we should not fool ourselves in thinking that we're doing something good by doing the basics. The basics are not good enough anymore. Blue bins, bottle recycling, name badge drop boxes, printing on 10%post consumer paper, or even reusable trade show bags are not bad in of them selves they just don't make an event sustainable. Single-use items are major waste makers; just because you recycle them doesn't actually account for a whole lot. Oh, and don't get me started on branded gift bags!

Cut out the junk and simplify.

Photo Booth Hire For Weddings, Parties, Corporate Events, And More

Any party, wedding, or special event requires some degree of planning beforehand. Obviously some require more than others, such as weddings, for instance. During your planning and preparation stage you will need to think about all sorts of things, from the rings to the entertainment for your guests. Weddings usually have a diversity of ages that attend, with some being older and others younger, so providing proper or suitable entertainment can prove to be a bit of a daunting prospect. After all, you naturally want all of your guests to have a wonderful time celebrating your special day with you.

The Internet is a wonderful resource for finding entertainment ideas. By literally just clicking a page you can be presented with a seemingly unlimited supply of ideas. A popular addition to the lists of ideas has got to be photo booth hire. Over the last few years they have enjoyed a rapid rise in popularity in many parts of the world, both for private, informal functions, to formal or even corporate events.

You might be wondering why you should hire a photo booth in the first place, considering that most people have mobile phones that sport cameras, so there is never a shortage of photos. However, photo booths offer more than a mere camera can. Also, photo booths cannot replace a photographer and really should not be seen as a substitute by any stretch of the imagination. If you are planning a wedding, you should still hire a professional photographer, because photo booths are more for entertainment purposes.

When you are looking to hire a photo booth it is advisable to always book one that uses a high-resolution camera, and will provide you and your guests with fun, entertainment, and good quality service. It is important to understand that not all booths are created equal, so look for one that is large enough to accommodate more than just one person. Also, the appearance of the booth is another deciding factor to consider, because some look much like the booths one may find in a shopping mall, for instance, while others follow a particular design or theme. Of course, the photo booth that you hire for your event will not be a coin operated one, and your guests will only need to push a button in order to have their photographs taken and produced instantly.

Most photo booth hire vendors also go one step further in that they will provide their clients with additional accessories and extras, such as various kinds of props and even silly and fun costumes. These help to create great and entertaining photo opportunities. Sometimes these accessories and extras are available as an additional option, but very often they are included in the price of the package.

The booth is usually accompanied by an attendant who will ensure that it is operating properly. However, when it comes to actually using the booth, well this is up to you and your guests. Invariably the prints are available in different shapes, colors and designs. Naturally you cannot hire a photo booth without considering the prints it produces. Some vendors will also offer a feature that will allow the photos to be personalized in some way; however you will need to clarify this with the vendor of your choice in advance.

Corporate Event Planning - Reasons to Hire Organizers

Organizing a corporate event involves a lot more effort than simple booking of a venue. You need to appoint a speaker and sending out the invitations. The arrangement requires hundreds of small odd jobs, which need to take care of to have a successful corporate event. And the worst part is that you need to do all these on time and within strict budget.

Research the venues to preparing special diets and many other finer details are attended by the corporate organizers. They are professionals who help in preparing meeting to conferences to events abroad. They are aware of the pitfalls and know what to avoid and how to make successful event.

The corporate organizers are a blessing as far as organizing successful ones. From the job of finding a suitable venue to designing the invites to making sure that tea and coffee is distributed smoothly to supervising that everything falls into place. Organizing events require quite some time and can be quite stressful, so instead of taking the responsibility on your shoulders hire a professional to save yourself some time and headache.

The benefits of hiring specialized conference organizers are much beyond you can imagine. Putting a professional in charge will give you complete peace of mind and your event will be total success. A successful one can do wonders for the company's reputation and the professional corporate organizers can attend to the smallest detail. The varied number of services is offered by the organizers who handle to every little aspect of the special day. Sometimes the organizers themselves offer venues, which mean that everything else is nicely organized. Since the professionals know everything about hosting a successful event possible.

By hiring the services of a professional you get enough time to concentrate and continue to work on the core business activities that are involved in your work. You even get the peace of mind on the day and relax. The corporate event organizers also organize other events like the Christmas parties, holidays with equal professionalism. They are aware of the best venues in the city and have excellent unique ideas for the programs. In addition, the best part is they will not rest until they have organized a complete unique and a tailor made event that caters to your needs of your business. A successful upshot is capable of doing wonders to the reputation of your company and can result in greater revenue. This will further result in a more motivated workforce and several other benefits for years to come.

Corporate events and conferences are best left to professionals. They usually have lot of hidden tasks which needs to be completed and numerous pitfalls. It is advisable that taking a risk will not be worth. The long lasting ones, which continue for days also require business accommodation and no one other than a professional can handle that with an expert touch.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Top Ten Tips For Event Planning When Hiring Funfair Rides

Top 10 Tips for Event Planning When Hiring Funfair Rides and Attractions

Funfair Rides and Attractions are becoming very popular ways to entertain guests at a large variety of events such as Summer Balls, Weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs', Family Fun Days, Birthday Parties and many many more. I have found that using a few tried and tested tips will help ensure that everything runs smoothing even if you have never hired a fairground ride before. In fact, with this in mind and because there are always pitfalls to fall into I have put together my top ten tips to help make sure that your event does not fall into any of the traps.

  1. Always book from a reputable company, ideally one to which you have been recommended, or do not be afraid to ask for references.

  2. Consider the time of year of your event and choose your rides accordingly, ie: in the Winter try to choose rides with a roof or completely enclosed such as the venturer simulator.

  3. Large funfair rides such as Dodgems or Carousel come on heavy lorries, please take this into consideration when placing the rides onto grass. In the event of heavy rain you may wish to consider trackway or have a "plan b" location on hard standing such as a carpark.

  4. If you are in any doubt as to the viability of getting rides into a venue please ask for a site visit.

  5. Ensure you have seen the insurance and ADIPS certificate for each of the rides you are booking and that they are in date and the name is the same on each certificate.

  6. Make sure you have a contract with whoever you book with and you have clauses covering eventualities such as the ride you wanted does not turn up or it is not in an acceptable condition.

  7. It is important that you have a mobile contact number for the person coming on the day, most agency staff go home at 5pm and are closed over the weekend and although they have answerphones they do not normally leave mobile contact number on these answerphones, so you may wish to ask for this in advance of the event.

  8. Beware of falling foul of the Showmans' Guild, a lot of ride owners are members of this organisation and there are a number of rules that can affect your event especially if it has happened before. You may want to ask them sign a form to say they will not claim "guild rights" on your event.

  9. Don't be coerced into paying in cash on the day, and you should not have to pay the full amount due before the ride(s) arrive on site.

  10. Double check the fee includes everything to run the ride on the day including generators, staff, public liability etc as there are some scams operating on eBay at the moment which look like a good deal but on the day of the event when the rides are all set up ready you find out that it doesn't include power to run it and suddenly there is an additional amount to pay.

These tips are the top 10 and can be found on our website along with information about the Showmans Guild as referred to above

Incredible Birthday Supplies and Themes

Birthday is the most special and enjoyable moment in every kid's life. Every year they anxiously wait for this big day. Even the parents are highly enthusiastic about this event and make every effort to bring most exciting and action-packed ideas for their kid's birthday. The most creative and trendy thing which is very popular amongst the parents is to find exotic birthday themes. The event management companies try their best to bring the most innovative party themes. You will find an array of amazing birthday supplies and themes with these birthday party coordinators. These companies are a team of qualified and trained event management professionals who know the needs and the aspirations of the parents as well as the kids. After counseling with the parents, they decide for the birthday party theme and choose the supplies that would best compliment them.

The successful organization of any birthday party primarily depends on the birthday party supplies and of course the right combination of theme. If there is any mismatch between the supplies and the theme planned for the party, all the arrangements would go waste. Definitely, no one would like to face such a situation. This is why it is better to choose a professional event management company who is proficient in managing and planning such birthday bashes. These days it is a very common concept which is used by most of the families, irrespective of their financial status. Parents want to see their kids happy and for that whatever best they can give, they always try to do that. Are you planning a birthday party for your kid? If budget is no issue for you, you have several choices. Choose one of the most renowned event management companies who can offer you best of the birthday themes and birthday party supplies.

Birthday supplies cover a huge line of items, everything from decorations, food, favors and party ware. If you have chosen a thoughtful planner, he will first choose a theme understanding the needs of the customer. Few of the most popular birthday themes are Harry Potter, undersea, princesses, pirates, dinosaurs, fiesta, western, army and safari. Once the birthday party theme is ready, you will find that everything else required for the celebration easily falls into place. Eventually the birthday planning becomes great fun for the entire family, including the event mangers. So, what are waiting for? Find a good event manager and make your child's birthday - the most memorable event.

Limousine Services For Corporate Events

With the changes and competition in the corporate scene, many companies in Toronto need to earn extra edge over their competitors by using Limo while attending corporate events. The car will create a good image for the company while offering them comfort and reliability for attending any type of meeting and event.

When it comes to limo services, many companies offer a number of packages for their clients. For those who cannot obtain a package that suits their needs, they can get customized services that entail all the requirements they want. These packages depend on the features that are available in the limos such as telephones, refrigerators, electric outlets and tinted windows to offer privacy to the clients. It will also depend on the type and model of the car selected.

The selection of these cars for corporate events will depend with the requirements of the client. The type of car will influence the choice since there is a variety including sedans and SUVs, among others. The other factor to consider is the size of the corporate team since different cars can hold up different capacities of people. The clients may also select from different colors as well as from a variety of car manufacturers as per their desire.

The advantages of choosing these services are many and the client can be assured of reliability and convenience. The spacious environment inside will offer the corporate team enough room to carry out activities while en route to the event. For early morning or late night events, limousines are a great option as the clients can catch up on their sleep without any additional fee. In addition to this they offer privacy, safety and dependability regardless of the time and venue.

Top 5 Event Planner Services

Event Planner Service Number One: Venue Finding

Whether you are looking for the perfect location for a traditional wedding, or a quick fix for a last minute business meeting, event planners will be able to find the venue for you. Professional planners have contacts with a wide range of venues suitable for all occasions. They are usually also familiar with the venues, whether locally and further afield. Planners will often have carried out quality inspections, and this ensures that you hire high class, professional venue.

Number Two: On the Day Support

On the day a planner will provide you with a delivery team, as well as logistics and delegate management. They will also manage accommodation, catering and dining, if applicable. The key benefit of this service is that it removes the stress of running an event. Whether party or conference, hiring a planner ensures that you are free to focus on the most important thing, your guests and delegates, without having to worry that the day is running smoothly.

Number Three: Financial Budgeting

Whatever the size of the budget for your event, be it big or small, an event planner will be able to ensure that you get as much for your money as possible. Planners will handle all price negotiations on your behalf, guaranteeing that you secure the best deals available on all venues, facilities and services. As previously noted, a planner should have excellent contacts to make this possible. This service is crucial as it makes sure that your event is the best it can possibly be.

Number Four: Marketing and Promotion

With the support of professional marketing and promotion teams, hiring a planner ensures that your event is branded and publicised to a professional standard. This facility includes services such as the creation of a branded event website and high quality design and printing. Effective marketing can often some of the most difficult parts of organising a successful event for.

Number Five: Entertainment

Whatever the event, it is likely that you will require some form of entertainment, and professional planners have links to the best in the industry. From general entertainers to motivational speakers, your planner will be able to provide high quality entertainment at the best possible price. As well as this, an event planner will organise all audio visual and staging for the event, meaning that all you need to worry about is enjoying your event.

Planning The Main Event

Does this sound familiar? Once upon a time you were the life of the party. Then you became famous for throwing the best parties and events among all your friends and families. In school, you loved volunteering on committees, and this continued right into your professional life. You are a people-person with fantastic organizational skills. You have an eye for detail and an open mind to the suggestions and whims of others. You love to network and bringing people together to create new networks. You want to channel all these skills into a fulfilling career, but how?

Convention and event planning is an integral part of the hospitality and tourism industry. Becoming an event planner is the best way to combine a passion for organization with a flair for hospitality. One of the many fascinating aspects of this career is that it allows you to work with people from many different industries while learning all about them. From international trade shows, to business conventions and industry conferences, planning these events lets you delve into new territories to meet each specific clients' needs.

Working in this field is not only limited to business conventions and trade shows, there are many opportunities outside the corporate world, such as festivals, ceremonies and even smaller functions such as weddings and other personal celebrations. These opportunities could lead to interesting interactions with the arts communities, as well as give you a more intimate connection with customers.

Whether for business seminars, cultural exhibitions, or personalized celebrations, the first step to working as a planner is to dig into some event planning courses at a tourism college. There are many skills that are taught in these schools which are key to your success. Some are obvious, like planning the scope and format of an event, establishing and monitoring budgets, and negotiation contracts. Less obvious but equally important duties could include hiring and training staff and volunteers, preparing promotional material and ensuring compliance with by-laws and any other local or social considerations. The convention and event planner oversees a huge diversity of organizational areas.

An important factor in selecting a school to study event planning is how much the school focuses on readying their students for an international career. Because so much of this business is centred around bring people and industries together from around the world, a program should emphasize its standard for international compliance. There are many global certification institutions which grant certificates, like the American Hotel Lodging Association (AHLA). Find out if your program is recognized by such an institution. This will guarantee that your education will make you among the top competitors when breaking into career market as an event planner.

For an exciting and profitable career that lets you travel around the world, meet new people and learn about new industries, it doesn't get more into the heart of the action than being a conference and event planner.

Knockout Girls Birthday Theme Party Decoration Ideas

Themed birthday parties are popular these days; however, throwing a unique and memorable party is what makes you stand out of the crowd. With a little bit of creativity and some efforts, you can make your daughter's birthday an extraordinary event for her as well as the guests. Here are some ideas for decoration that will help you to surprise your darling on her special day.

  • Play with balloons: These are indispensable party supplies that add a lot of color and festivity to any occasion. Use them artistically to make arches, columns or centerpieces. These inexpensive pieces go well with any type of girls birthday theme and can minimize your decoration work by filling a lot of space. You can use Mylar or foil balloons, helium balloons, solid latex balloons, printed latex balloons, air walkers, and many more to spice up your party.

  • Make Balloon poles for an outdoor party: For this, you will need a 5 to 6 inch long dowel. Tie a cluster of themed balloons around the top of the pole. Attach some streamers, curling ribbons, tulle bows, etc. at the base of the balloon cluster to give it a filling look. Have these poles at strategic locations around the party areas.

    • Buy a numbered Mylar balloon and club it up with multicolored balloon bunches. Hang it over the cake table and declare how old your lovely daughter is turning!

    • Take floral foam and anchor three to four balloon sticks of varying height on it. Tie a balloon at the upper tip of the stick. Cover the rest portion of the sticks with twisting balloons to create cute centerpieces. The colors of the balloons must match the theme of the party.

  • Pictures can be used for a lovely birthday decoration. These interactive pieces can add a delightful and sentimental touch to your kid's birthday party. You can use your daughter's picture or the picture of your theme character to beautify the venue.
    • Create a banner by using your kid's old pictures and hang it at the center of the party area so that everyone notices it immediately. You can also use the pictures of previous birthdays. If you are having the same people you whom you invited on her previous birthdays, this can be an excellent way of reminding them about those past memories.

    • Cut outs of your theme characters can be hanged from the ceiling along with colorful streamers to enhance the party mood.

  • Decorate with candies: Create kids-pleasing centerpieces by filling wine glasses with themed candies and place them on the tables.These edible decorations can later on be used as party favors.

    • Have a pinata: Birthdays without pinatas sound incomplete. With time, pinatas have become an essential part of these celebrations. Buy a pinata that compliment with your party theme, fill it with lots of candies, toys, stickers, and other goodies, ask the kids to break it and enjoy the treat. They serve as a party decoration piece and later on, can be used for games.

Arrange everything according to your theme: This is the simplest way to make your party look attractive. From tableware to party favors everything must reflect the way you want to celebrate this occasion. Many online stores sell a complete kit of themed Girls Birthday Party Supplies. These kits have most of the things you would need; however you can buy individual supplies as per your requirement.

Be innovative and inventive to make a wonderful arrangement for your little one's birthday.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Make a Plan to Get Into an Exciting Career As a Conference and Event Planner

Are you looking to find your first career? Or maybe you already have a career but would love to embark in a new and exciting career path? How would you like to enter the fast-paced and exciting area of conference and event planning?

Conventions, events and meetings are one of the fastest growing segments of the economy and encompass multiple aspects of all industries. Event planning courses have as an objective to show students a broad range of knowledge and processes, administration skills and practical tools that will assist them in dealing with situations within a conference and event planning related career.


A conference and event planner is a special type of individual. It is essential to carry the qualities of being outgoing, charismatic and certainly energetic. An event planner will play a huge and dynamic role within the organization for which he/she works.


A good conference and event planner program should leave graduates with the following skills and knowledge to successfully step into their professional careers:

  • The knowledge and skills necessary to handle conferences and events for a variety of business sectors

  • An introduction to the planning and coordinating the logistics of events

  • Professional skills including how to negotiate, the decision making process, working in a team, communication skills, customer service skills, leadership, research and problem solving techniques

  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Applications

Event planning courses will usually involve the following areas of study:

  • Business correspondence

  • Business essentials, financial management and math

  • Negotiations and contracts

  • Business presentations, supervisory skills and verbal communications

  • Conference and event management

  • Customer service skills

  • Event marketing

  • Business writing and grammar skills

  • Human resource management

  • Intro to internet

  • Employment skills

  • Management fundamentals

  • Marketing and sales

  • Microsoft Access, Excel, Outlook

  • Microsoft PowerPoint, Publisher,Word and Windows

  • Project Management Fundamentals

Graduates of event planning courses can find employment in a varied number of great settings. They find exciting work in the sector of tourism, trade and professional associations. They can also seek employment in convention and conference centres, government agencies and conference and event planning companies. In addition, the skills learned in event planning courses are transferable to other sectors of employment. This makes it the ideal diploma to have as graduates can look for employment opportunities not only within the industry, but in other sectors of employment as well.

Careers that event planning courses can lead to include:

  • Conference and Meeting Planner

  • Conference Services Officer

  • Convention Coordinator

  • Event Planner

  • Special Events Organizer

  • Trade Show Planner

There's no reason to shy away from an exciting and new career! Event planning courses can be your ticket to get there!

Tips on Planning a Quinceanera Event

In Latino communities a quinceanera is a revered coming of age event for young girls. Although it can be compared to a sweet sixteen party, there is a religious element which includes giving gratitude to God. Usually a blessing is performed in the church and a celebratory party follows. Quinceaneras range from being a simple party to an elaborate extravaganza.

The first thing you need to do to plan your quinceanera is to figure out your overall budget. Next you will need to determine the ceremony type. Decide on what you will need to spend on the party. Use a spreadsheet to help you keep within your budget. You can get free Excel budgeting templates from the MicroSoft website. Print your budget and place in a three ring binder. Don't forget to include your invitation lists and other information. Quinceanera invitations are available at most party stores and online invitation retailers.As you are shopping for the invitations don't forget to also purchase thank you notes. It is appropriate for your daughter to complete these after the celebration. Compile a list of family and friends you wish to attend. Padrinos, madrinas, or anyone who has contributed to the expenses should also be invited. It is also necessary to list damas and chambelanes, those who are involved with the honor court. At the church ceremony, quinceaneras often involve young children.

A formal gown is worn by the birthday girl while her escort will be dressed in a tuxedo. A seamstress can be hired to create your daughter's dress if she desires originality. The ensemble includes a tiara for the young lady and her accompanying date wears a boutonniere. Shopping and scheduling fittings for the damas and chambelanes is done by the parents. The damas and chambelanes wear matching gowns and suits. The quincea簽era festivities begin in a Catholic church, for a religious ceremony. To ensure you get your desired date, you may need to reserve the church months in advance. If your parish offers them, include any preparatory sessions and activities in your schedule of events. If you are planning to have the party after the church ceremony somewhere other than your home, create a list of possible venues, with their prices, several months in advance.

Be sure to arrange well in advance for a photographer and videographer to record the events. Aside from creating a memento of the event for your family and guests, you can also share the festivities with those who could not attend by creating an account on a photo and video sharing website. Picking music for the party is an important part of planning. Consult with the birthday girl and her friends to create a playlist of songs for dancing, and include some music for the older guests, as well. If you do not hire a DJ or a band, you can use an MP3 or CD player connected to a stereo system too.

How to Maximize Online Event Ticketing Sales With Promotional Codes?

A perfect timing and a little knowledge about the promo codes for the online event ticketing system can help in pocketing more revenues, before the starting of the event. With the recent mushrooming of event industries, the organizers are using exciting promo code marketing techniques for maximizing the ticket sale, for their upcoming events. Here are few tips that can help you, as an event organizer to enhance your event ticket sales, using promo code concessions and discounts.

繚 Identify the usage of codes:

Promotional codes, often known as discount codes or coupon codes are exciting offers on booked tickets for a show or event. However, understanding and identifying where, when and how to use these codes can have a great impact on the event ticket sale. Thus, it is very essential for you to have the ability of creating your own promotional codes, at any moment or time. A good and ideal online ticketing service provider will have these facilities embedded within the system, which is both discerning and comprehensible and allow you to utilize maximum marketing efforts for increasing ROI.

The reporting tool of the online solution within your system will also help you to track the usage of particular code and the status of the total revenue generated. Having access to all these information will help you in tweaking your marketing approaches, at the start of the event.

繚 Make use of Media for tracking results:

As promo codes are specifically meant for print advertisements, television and radio commercials, using them in the media can help in measuring your success with the various networks such as the stations and the publications, where you are investing. An attractive and appealing ad for your event, teamed with a simple promo code, will surely enhance effectiveness of the sale. Try to create codes, which can easily be remembered and use the electronic media such as television and radio stations, to make the campaign, useful. As words are easier to remember than numbers, by airing a simple word related to your marketing campaign, you can grab the attention of potential attendees. Launch your campaign at least one month prior to the event, for tracking the progress and avoiding last minute hassles.

繚 Offer paperless codes:

As the online system is gradually replacing the paper works, the online promo codes are eventually being opted by most organizers for hosting events. Though they are still using the print codes as a secondary option, their first preference is always the online system, where they can easily add the codes within the event website. Taking the entire system online will motivate the attendees to buy tickets, as you can offer various pricing options, redeeming papers.

The above mentioned tips can be helpful for you and will certainly assist you in smartly using the promo codes for maximizing the online event ticketing sale.

Business Operations for Which You Can Use Strategic Planning Software

Strategic planning software helps you macro and micromanage each management aspect of your business. More than ever, businesses today are relying on planning software to improve their performance and curtail extra costs. Lean processes are being designed with the help of planning software.

1. Product mix planning

Software allows you to build an effective product mix. With the help of planning software, you can identify the best product mix and improve your standing in marketplace.

2. Supply chain strategy

Supply chain strategy is very important for timely delivery of a product to customers. In supply chain strategies, focus has shifted from a cost-based approach to a customer-centric approach to a strategic approach. Software allows you to optimize your supply chain network, rationalize capacity and allocate production materials to manufacturing plants after calculating and improve logistics performance.

3. Inventory strategy

Having sound strategies in place for inventory stock enables you to deliver products on time. Inventory stocks also impact the cost of planned safety stocks. Software will perform scenario comparisons so you can determine the optimal level of inventory to keep. This ensures that you deliver a high-level of performance while keeping your costs minimal.

4. Production planning strategy

Complex software allows automatic planning and optimization for even large manufacturing companies. This software takes various aspects into account such as demand and orders, ideal stock levels, materials planning, labor planning, machine routing and factory scheduling constraints.

A master production plan is generated with the help of several planning sheets. Any changes in demand and orders, for instance, can be accommodated by the software and an entirely new master plan is generated by the software for your easy management.

5. Lean manufacturing

Scheduling production planning software can also turn around manufacturing process in your organization. Software will take into account line scheduling, production planning, employee scheduling and will build 'what if' scenario models which let you compare different scenarios for an optimum decision.

6. Sourcing strategy

Many manufacturing companies wonder whether they will financially benefit from outsourcing certain business operations. Macro planning software helps them determine this. The software will create many 'what if' scenarios so you can compare costs and benefits.

For instance, if you are thinking of outsourcing your marketing operations to another agency, the software will calculate marginal costs and benefits as compared to doing it in-house. This detailed analysis will help you negotiate better with suppliers on price and quality.

7 Important Party Tent Details to Remember

Many details may go overlooked when planning a tent event, simply because there are so many factors to consider. It's important to discuss every detail with your event planner or representative at the tent rental company to ensure that nothing is forgotten, especially if this is your first time planning a tent event.

An important factor to consider before you begin planning is a tent permit. More frequently, cities are requiring tent permits that could range anywhere between $100-$300 for residences and corporate locations. As you begin budgeting, speak with a representative from the rental company or your planner to understand your responsibilities as the renter.

Here are 7 important tent atmosphere details to consider:

1. Tent Pole Drape Covers - This is an inexpensive way to dress up your tent without spending too much money. Pole covers are recommended especially for weddings or upscale events. They are not necessary for graduation parties, family reunions, or children's parties.

2. Tent Water Barrel Covers - If your tent needs to be water barreled, tent water barrel covers are a necessity! Water barrels can be unsightly, so no matter the formality of your event, it is worth the extra expense.

3. Tent Perimeter Lighting - If your event is in the evening, you will need lighting. Ask your party rental company what type of lighting your size tent will necessitate. Perimeter lighting will work for tents up to about a 40 x 40. If your tent is larger, you will need an extra lighting source.

4. Tent Flooring - Tent flooring is only recommended for extremely large events, such as corporate galas or university graduations. Do not expect to use tent flooring if you are hosting a party at your home.

5. Tent heaters - Depending on your location, tent heaters will be necessary if the weather is volatile in your location. You do not want to take any chances that your guests may be uncomfortable.

6. Fans - On the contrary, if your event is in the summer, fans will help circulate the air in a tent if you are using side walls.

7. Drill & Fill Tent Filling - If your tent will be set up on asphalt, tent hole filling will eliminate holes in the cement.

There are more factors to consider, but these 7 details are the most overlooked until the last minute. The more informed you are ahead of time, the more successful your event will be.

Halloween Party Invitations That Will Excite Your Guests for Your Big Monster Mash

Halloween is one of those holidays that people look forward to. Come 31st October and everyone, whether kids or adults, will be busy celebrating this day by dressing up like witches or devils and playing trick-or-treat. This is an occasion when people organize lots of parties and celebrate some special social moments. If you are planning to host a stupendous party, here are some Halloween Party Ideas that will help you to gear up your guests for this special celebration.

Zombie theme invitation:

Choose any Zombie picture available over the net and print it out on printer paper or construction paper. Either print or write your party details on it to complete your invitations. For giving it a spooky look, you can put on some blood red colored ink on it and let it dry. Zombie theme invitations do not have to be scary; you can have some fun element in it either by using pictures of cute zombies or by using funny invitation wordings such as 'We want brains but will settle for a party'. Such invites are readily available at stores that sell Halloween Party Supplies; however, you can always use your own creativity to come up with something unique.

Skull invitation:

Why not scare your invites by sending them a skull as an invite? Buy some readymade skulls, cardboard boxes to enclose them and some springs. Glue the spring to the inside bottom of the box and glue the skull to the upper part of the spring. Instead of gluing, you can use the fishing wire to attach the skull to the spring. Once done, push the skull downwards and close the box firmly in a way that when someone tried to open it, the skull will pop up. Tie it up with a ribbon to make it look cute and attractive. Write your message on the box and request the recipients to open it for a sweet surprise. Your invitees will certainly love these extra-ordinary Halloween Party Ideas.

Horror movie invite:

A DVD of 'The Uninvited' or 'Exorcist' would be the best invitation for your party. Write your invitation on the cover of the DVD and mail them across as invites! Instead of DVDs, you can send out the movie posters as invites. Simply choose a poster of your choice and edit it in Photoshop to add your party details and delete the other irrelevant details on it. Take poster-sized printouts and roll them up to form tubes. Your movie poster invites are ready to be used!

Apart from all these, you can always consider the pre-packaged invitations and Halloween Party Supplies available with many party supplies stores. They are the easiest and quickest way to announce your grand celebration.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

10 Tips For the Perfect Corporate Hospitality Event

If you're thinking of entertaining clients, then perhaps you've already got something in mind, and know that it will impress your clients, and encourage them to do more business with you. If you don't know what you should look for, then here are some tips to help with your corporate event.

1. You'll need to plan ahead so that you can get the date and location you want. Some places and events will naturally attract a lot of visitors, so if you want a particular sporting event, then you'll have to act quickly.

2. Choose an event that will appeal to all. Just because you like a certain sport, or location, doesn't mean that everyone else will. Remember that it's for their benefit rather than yours, so you'll want something with widespread appeal.

3. Don't forget that the invitations will need to explain what people will need to wear, and what to bring. It might be obvious that you wouldn't expect your guests to wear a tux for paintballing, but will they know what to wear for a day at the races, or for a Cup Final, or an international cricket or rugby match?

4. The idea of a corporate hospitality event is to get more business from your existing clients. You'll have to be able to combine business with pleasure during the day, but don't be too obvious about it. Allow your guests to relax and have a good time, rather than constantly bombarding them with questions regarding their plans and budgets, or talking about your products.

5. You'll want to treat all your clients as equals, and so you'll need to pick an event or location that doesn't favour the big companies, or the wealthy businesspeople you know. Don't forget to introduce your clients to each other. There may be opportunities for them to do business together too. You might want to think of how you can get your clients talking to each other, or discover some common interests.

6. It's important not to neglect your guests, so don't spend all your time with your colleagues, or your favourite or most important clients. Perhaps some of your guests won't have been to an event like this before, or don't know much about the sport, or entertainment you've chosen, and so will need a bit of help.

7. When choosing a corporate hospitality event, don't choose on cost alone. You'll want to make sure that everyone has a good time, and so won't want to restrict what they can have to eat and drink, or where they can sit. You don't want to be remembered for being "stingy".

8. Remember that you want to impress your clients, and so the more that you can provide for them, and treat them, the more they'll think of you, and the more likely they are to think of you when they need your products or services in the future.

9. You can use a corporate event to reward your staff too. Instead of looking for new business, why not reward your hardworking staff with a day out of the office, or a weekend away somewhere?

10. The most important thing to remember is that you should all have fun. If you're constantly worrying about whether everyone is having a good time, or whether your clients are going to up their spend, then you'll look nervous and appear desperate, which won't go down well. Even if you don't manage to get any new business, you'll still have spent time with your clients, and they'll be more likely to do business with you in the future.

Now you know more about how to have to perfect corporate outing, why not organise your next corporate hospitality event today?

Toilet Rental for a Construction Site or a Party

Operational bathroom facilities are a requirement of any home or building's indoor structure and are expected with any outdoor event. Yet, when a home or office building is undergoing renovation the plumbing may need to be shut down and/or the facilities removed so that the bathroom can be updated. Or, the facilities are non-existent in a home or office that is being built from the ground up. There are also moments when a family or party is having an outdoor event but there are no nearby facilities so the event planners have to lease their own. In order to ensure everyone's comfort, an ample amount of facilities have to be provided according to the number of workers or guest who need them. And they have to be placed a safe distance from other structures and disposed of properly.

Toilet rental is predominately used at a variety of construction sites before the plumbing has been turned on, installed or reinstalled. There are three main types of toilets for whatever purpose it is being used. There are regular portable toilets, handicap access toilets and special event toilets to choose from. The portable toilets come in different models that can be basic for any temporary construction site or deluxe for more graceful event. The handicap units are wheelchair accessible so whether you know you will need one or not it is a good idea to be compliant and make sure that there will be at least one available for your guests. And the special events units can be accompanied by sinks, soap and paper towel dispensers for a more comfortable experience for your guests.

Toilet rental units are portable toilets that are dropped off and picked up by sanitation companies specializing in providing single units all the way up to more comfortable toilet trailer options for a variety of construction oriented, event services or location required jobs like that. These are aspects of sanitation equipment and services that require timely placement of effective inventory and timely removal. They can be rented with portable sinks or as toilet rental trailers that have multiple units inside of each one. Each room is a full service bathroom including the flushable toilet or urinal, toilet paper holders with backup, working sink, soap dispenser, paper towels and small mirror for each users comfort. Toilet rental doesn't have to be this gross idea that comes with the past of a few ignored units at massive events for thousands of people. The number of units, their timely removal and replacement throughout the construction project or event is dependent upon the event organizer, contractor or homeowner for the event and the number of people that will be using it.

Why Photo Booth Rental Is Becoming Popular

Throwing a party is not always easy, as there are just too many things that require your attention. You need to think about the menu, sending out invitations and even fun activities to help keep everyone happy. Of course, you can hire a caterer to take care of the food and let your local graphic arts company deal with designing the invitation, but think about the activities. To keep guests occupied for a long time, renting a photo booth can do the trick.

A recently introduced technological breakthrough, the photo place makes the most of the need to keep memories alive. Most personal and even corporate events benefit from photo booth services. It is now a common presence in birthday parties, weddings, and corporate gatherings.

Most photo booth providers involve setting up a high-quality camera and modern printer for image capture and fast digital printing. They also provide a tarpaulin with the logo of the company and the name of both the celebrant and the event. Another interesting addition to the picture taking session is the free use of fancy and playful accessories such as caps, eyeglasses, and colourful wigs. They also let you use other toys such as swords, shields, and even weird-looking masks.

Other than enjoying different poses in a wide range of themes, photo place are popular because the pictures taken are crisps and the images are digitally available in seconds. Most people also prefer hiring a photo place rental so they no longer need to worry about the responsibility of taking pictures of the event. With that task out of their hand, the party host or the celebrants can focus on having a good time themselves.

Price is also a consideration. Photo Booth providers normally charge per hour and the package already includes unlimited picture taking for the duration of the event, free photo printing, free use of tarpaulin, and access to fun and colourful accessories. Another benefit is that most companies upload all the pictures taken during the event in their company website. This allows for easy download and printing even after the event is over.

The type of package differs mainly on the add-ons. A higher-priced package may also include a dedicated photographer, while premium packages include a photographer and a videographer. There is little to no need of editing images to get rid of unsightly blemishes as the service often includes free instant editing. What you and your guests gets are great-quality, expertly taken photographs.

The photo booth business is rewarding enough to attract all sorts of enterprising persons. It is important to choose your provider wisely to avoid dealing with newcomers in the business, which could greatly affect the quality of the images. This is why you need to check established companies like Premier Photo Place to make sure you get quality photo booth services with all the freebies included.

How to Prepare Corporate Events

Corporate entertainment events are those events which a company or organization hold for their clients, staff or shareholders; it is a good way in cementing business relations. They can be for a large audience like conventions or smaller ones like retreats. Many corporate events in Toronto usually happen once or twice in a year.

Most companies go to extreme lengths to make these events as memorable as possible. There are different ways that can be employed to make an event successful.

The most common are where companies hire event organizers or corporate booking agencies. Companies mostly hire a whole agency that covers all the things that can make a corporate event successful, ceremonious, while others choose to hire individuals rather than a whole agency, which they most likely, cannot do without other activities, depending on the event size and the sponsors' objective. Most agencies in Toronto cover aspects like food, sports and games, hotel bookings and so on. When a company hires an individual to cover their event, they mostly go for comedians or a DJ who can also double up as a Master of Ceremony (MC).

DJ's are especially the most common sort after 'commodities' in corporate entertainment events in Toronto. Most companies hire the services of a good DJ who doubles up as an MC who can keep the crowd alive. A good DJ reads the mood of the audience and can know when the crowd is low or up-beat. Most Toronto DJ's have websites so that companies can get them easily and even make payments through the internet.

Even if a company is holding a team building event, it has become increasingly important to hire a DJ to judge the mood of the audience. Like most other event agencies, the services of a DJ should be hired in advance, with a down payment, so as not to collide with another event that the DJ may have, to agree on the price and to also prepare adequately. A company that goes for an event agency has many choices to look at. Most of these agencies offer sporting facilities like a golf course, bowling alley, a soccer pitch and others.

If the event is lasting for a weekend, these can be good as one will play one sport for one day and the next day another sport. There can also be an event whereby a corporate member or a client or a shareholder, can come with his or her family members where there is a special location for children to engage in their own fun and games. Corporate entertainment has proved to be a lucrative business in Toronto.

Corporate entertainment events have been on the rise in recent days with some of the agencies offering corporate entertainment services also offering wedding and birthday parties. So whether it is an agency running a corporate function, or individuals like comedians and DJ's, there should be the need to stress that the event should be as vibrant as possible, with as few hitches as possible.

How To Organize A Successful Corporate Event

A corporate event is one of the best ways for a company to generate buzz. Many times, these corporate events are planned in order to show client/employee appreciation, or to generate new clients. For most people in the business world, the concept of working is easy to grasp, however, planning and organizing a successful corporate event requires additional effort and expertise. No matter the theme or purpose of your event, it is always a good idea to have a reliable event blueprint that allows you to seamlessly see your plan through to completion. It is difficult to go into an event without a solid plan, so here are 6 ways to successfully organize a corporate event.

1. Budget. Many professionals are accustomed to setting and sticking to a budget on the job, however, it is common for the need for a budget to be ignored when it comes to corporate events. Of course you want to set a budget that will allow your event to be memorable, however, keep in mind that even the wealthiest people in the world have budgets. If you have to sacrifice a few things in order to stay within your financial boundaries, but remember that if you plan things carefully, it is highly unlikely that anyone will actually notice the corners that you cut. The most important thing to remember is that your guests will enjoy themselves no matter what your budget happens to be.

2. The numbers game. How many guests are you inviting to the event? The number of guests will usually depend on what type of event you are planning. If the event is to generate new clients, you will probably need to invite more guests because it will be more of a "free for all." However, if the event is more intimate and designed to thank your current customers for their loyal business, you will want to invite fewer people. It is important to double check the list because you don't want to accidentally leave people off the list and offend clients who have been forgotten.

3. Location, location, location. Determining the guest list is important because the guest list determines the venue. However, it can be difficult to decide on a venue of the guests are slow to RSVP. A great way to encourage the guests to RSVP is by offering them some type of prize or entry into a drawing once they respond. This will allow you to get a general number of guests without coming across as pushy.

4. Have several sub-committees. Let's face it; one person cannot plan an entire corporate event without any help, and for this reason, it is essential to have several sub-committees to help with the event. You will find that the more help you have, the smoother the planning process will be.

5. Menu. A tasty menu is essential to planning a successful event because when guests are dissatisfied with their food at an event, they are less inclined to attend another event hosted by that same corporation. Many times people are not looking for a complicated menu, instead they simply want something that will keep them happy throughout the duration of the event.

Outsourcing events and event management to other companies is always something you can do if you are too pushed for time to organize your event yourself. Just be certain to find a reputable company with a proven track record if you chose to outsource the organization of your corporate event to another company.

Event Planning and Organizing Firms for Better Event Execution

If you have global clients and you want to impress them with high-profile entertainment value and the highest level of hospitality, then you must seek an event management company for your next event. They can make an event worth remembering and fulfill the desires of your clients on various levels. These companies have extraordinary managerial capabilities to treat and greet your delegates and clients and push your brand reputation to the horizon. They apply their skills, creativity and knowledge to maintain your client's interest and entertain them.

So, in order to make your event inspiring and inviting, you must hire an event management company. They can arrange all the essential things for your event, regardless of its nature like corporate conference, award ceremony, or purely an entertainment event. They apply their expert knowledge to foster better relationship between clients and the company. Every industry and every client is different however the best results can be achieved through exceptional skills, execution style, experience and the way of thinking. Corporate event planners work to establish intimate links to your customers' needs and desires.

Event Planning and organizing firms offer all the services related to your event. Indeed, they help in the minute activities and extend their help in:

  • Designing and managing a program to meet the needs of the companies including venue, menu, program selection, budget allocation as well as campaign monitoring.

  • Provide complete support material training sessions to keep pace with the growing trends.

  • Providing corporate event ideas and creative plans

  • Deliver a high voltage welcome for the clients, delegates and employees

  • Created a range of interesting and alternative activities

  • Arrangement for interior and exterior d矇cor, lighting & audiovisual, auto cad planning, technical requirements, equipment strategies, staffing solutions, corporate, private & non-profit events, business meetings

  • Produce an informal conference as an integral part

Moreover, professional event planning and management companies provide expert services and provide you services for handling different types of corporate events, weddings, conferences, conventions, exhibitions, expositions, trade shows, etc.

Event planners can plan and organize the events and in fact, help in stretching out the theme for the event as per the needs. They have a talented team of professional planners, managers and decorators who have knowledge in every facet of event management. They know that any event whether it is a birthday party or a conference event are important and stressful. With that in mind, they make sure that nothing is left to chance to avoid any unwanted surprises!

Planning the Family Reunion - Family Party Ideas

When the subject of planning a family reunion comes up among family members many find it hard to agree on the location or activities. Does this dilemma often delay the planning process? Don't be dismayed. You're not alone. Most families experience the same challenge. When the well runs dry of good ideas for your next family reunion here are a few suggestions that will get your planning off to a running start.

1. Choose a Theme
2. Choose Theme Related Activities
3. Choose the Ideal Location
4. Create your Itinerary and Luncheon/Dinner Program
5. Event Planning Software

Choose a Family Reunion Theme
The first step in planning the event is choosing a theme. Your theme will help you determine activities, location and the items in your Itinerary and dinner program. There are a number of themes common to annual family gatherings. Themes are often centered on the family name, homestead and heritage. Other themes may be closely tied to the activities of the event such as the following:

Traditional Themed Gathering
Genealogy Homestead Tour
Family Fest
Family Reunion Cruise
Living Legends Ball

Theme Based Event Planners
Some event planning applications feature theme based planning. Each theme comes with a prewritten itinerary, dinner program and activities we well as logos and even t-shirt and invitations designs.

Choose Family Reunion Theme Related Activities
Now that your theme is established you can better consider activities that would be appropriate for this special occasion. Typical activities may include a visit to the old homestead, luncheon program on the premises, family history recital, story time, presentation of family quilt or other heirloom, honoring of family elders. Some of these activities may be incorporated in a dinner program.

Choose The Ideal location
Having established the theme and an outline of activities, choosing an ideal location should be much easier. The locations considered should allow for the enjoyment of most if not all activities listed.

Create Your Itinerary
Once the location is selected it is time to start putting together an itinerary of event. Create a simple list of activities and include the day and time each activity is scheduled.

Event Planning Software
As said earlier, reunion planning software applications make theme selection and associated activities a whole lot easier. When looking for such a planner choose one that provides a theme selector. Theme selectors guide you through the initial planning process by providing theme related activities. The application should provide a prewritten Itinerary and luncheon/dinner program. Other important features would include a timeline planner and attendee roster. Even better are planners that include a budget calculation application.

So if the well has run dry of good ideas for your next reunion, filling it up is as simple as selecting a family reunion theme and associated activities. A reliable theme based event planning application may be all that's needed.