Sunday, November 24, 2013

Event Marketing 101 - Getting the Word Out

You may want to get sophisticated with a website that enables online registration, email reminders to registrants and email blasts to prospective attendees, but event marketing is all about getting the word out.

No matter what size event, there is no shortage of tools to help you realize that goal. It could be a quarter-page or even full-page ad in the newspaper or even a multi-page brochure.

Providing accurate information to the attendees is one of the main ingredients to success. Other marketing ideas like direct mail, email marketing, blog marketing, event sponsorship etc. can be appropriate and effective.

Marketing Software

Marketing software plays an integral part in communication globally, and also between the different groups of staff sometimes necessary when launching a large event. It also helps you stay organized by keeping track of multiple tasks, providing lists and forms, even blank contracts for handy use.

There are software packages that are specific to particular tasks such as providing detailed schematics of the event space which is useful for event management, event planning, caterers, audio visual and production companies.

Other software can be turnkey packages addressing all aspects of event planning and management, both online and offline.

Event Invitations

The prudent planner will always send invitations at least a month or two in advance of the event. The who, what, why, when, and where information as well as the design, and printing must be flawless.

Invitation style can give an indication as to the nature of the event, whether casual, formal, academic, etc.

Marketing Tools

Marketing tools range from brochures, ads, publicity, formal invitations, flyers, posters, press releases, registration forms, websites, emails, interoffice memos, etc. They come in all colors, shapes, and styles, even sounds and video, that can do the job of getting your message across to your target audience. You need to get imaginative with what you use and how you apply it.

Direct Marketing

Direct marketing allows you to track your marketing multiple ways. Testing and tracking is vital to your marketing efforts. Using the resulting data properly can help you obtain new clients by abandoning useless campaigns and expanding successful ones.

People who tend to pride themselves on being part of an elite group and highly value membership and association are the kinds of clients who will produce repeat business. Taking advantage of this trait and targeting that audience with surprise bonuses, and nurturing communication, can greatly increase your event attendance.

Direct Mail Marketing

Direct mail marketing is a proven marketing medium with a long history of delivering results. It includes advertising circulars, catalogs, business cards, and other commercial merchandising materials and incentives (like all sorts of promotional items).

Depending on the profile of your target audience, your marketing medium can either be delivered on location by teams on the street distributing handouts or mailed using pre-selected mailing lists.

Event Sponsorship

Event Sponsorship is a give-and-take relationship that can be philanthropic or contractual in a way that all involved will benefit.

Most large corporations, for profit or non-profit, have set budgets to participate in event sponsorship as a marketing strategy to reach great numbers of their customers, users, audiences, clients, all at one time.

The sponsors get brand or product recognition, promotion, and perhaps qualified leads. The event can get extra money, products and donations to save on expenses.

Attendees get informational products to use, or free gifts and product samples. It's a win-win relationship.

Promotional Marketing

Promotional marketing is a business marketing strategy designed to motivate a customer to take action towards a buying decision. Using coupons, contests, promotional products, giveaways and samples can boost sales for your event.

Social Marketing

Social marketing endeavors to inspire social behaviors, not to benefit the marketer, but to benefit the target audience or group.

Social Marketing is a new breed of marketing, in that it requires listening to the needs, trends, and desires of the target prospects and catering to them, rather than dictating a marketing message.

This requires putting your finger on the pulse and getting a feel for market trends through thorough research and constant re-evaluation of each aspect of your marketing initiatives.

A good place to turn to for such marketing would be ezines, blogs, forums, groups, social bookmarking sites, social networking sites, etc.

Blog Marketing

Blogs are like graffiti, once you stick something up there everybody sees it. That's why it provides good insight into market trends because it becomes a tangible record of everyone's response to your idea, product, service, etc. and allows corrections of misconceptions that impede their success.

Starting a blog is easy when using sites like Squidoo, Hubpages, and etc.

Generally, you want to blog about what your audience has an interest in. This can be restricted to members or groups, or be a completely open forum.

In other words, use everything at your disposal to get your product, service or idea into the right hands, not only in a legal manner, but more importantly, in a socially acceptable manner. Then, you will see the results of your efforts skyrocket. Don't forget to record and track what you did, or you'll kick yourself for not being able to repeat your event marketing success in the future.

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