Monday, December 23, 2013

How to Plan a Successful Team Building Event

Planning a company team building event is a little more scientific than simply deciding what kind of activity you fancy partaking in on any given day, racing off and then coming into work the following day expecting to see a 50 percent rise in profits. A lot of planning and thought is required to ensure that your team building event maximises the positive impact it has on your workforce.

1. Consider your workforce: By carefully thinking about your workforce and by asking advice from a company who specialises in hosting team building events, you can ensure that the activity or activities you choose will be suited to your group and deliver the messages that you want.

2. Planning is key : If you book an event and make no preparation and then turn up on the day with little structure in place, then your event is not going to be as successful as you would like. Planning in detail for the day is vital to ensure you maximise the opportunities available to you. A specialist Corporate Events company can help you immeasurably with this. Your plan should allow plenty of time for each activity so that the activities are not rushed but should remain flexible to allow a degree of freedom to shuffle items around if necessary. Remember the six Ps: Perfect Preparation Prevents Particularly Poor Performance!

3. Food and Drink : It is important that your workforce are fed and watered on your activity. Again a company team building event organiser can help you decide what is suitable for your workforce. If you plan to bring alcohol then it is wisest to ensure that this is used in moderation. This is particularly important if you are planning an activity which involves some kind of physical activity or perhaps driving of some form, when alcohol can seriously impair the participants judgement and lead to possible injury to them or fellow workers.

4. Use part of the budget for a Team Building professional: While it is tempting to think that organising a trip like this for the office is relatively straightforward, there are a great many things that need to be considered. Using part of your budget for the day to employ a specialist team building event organiser to help with your planning of the day is a very wise move. Companies such as Chillisauce for example, have vast experience of providing many successful activities for companies of all sizes and their expertise is a fantastic resource to draw upon to ensure your team building event is as successful as it can possibly be.

Then when you do return to the office after your successful company team building event, you can be secure in the knowledge that the skills and concepts learned that day, are going to impact your business in a positive way.

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