Thursday, September 19, 2013

After Event Planning Courses: Securing Your First Job

You've learned a lot in your event planning courses, but none of it will matter if you can't land yourself a job after graduation. Fortunately, increasing your chances of finding a job you love as soon as you finish your event planner courses is easier than you may think.

1. Show appreciation for your teachers.

The teachers in your event organization courses are your closest ties to the professional world. They are the people who have taught you everything you know about your soon-to-be career. Before you think about how it is that you will move on after event planner courses, take a little time to show your respect for the faculty at your college. Write letters of thank you, or better yet, team up with other students to organize an event in honour of the teachers in your program.

2. Get a part-time job in the industry.

Your event planner courses are preparing you to occupy a leadership role in event planning. But why not get some real-life experience while you are still enrolled in event planner courses? You could:

  • answer phones, hand out flyers, or manage a social media campaign for an event planner

  • work as a server for a caterer

  • work for a florist or some other service that is on the periphery of the event planning industry

3. Organize some events on a volunteer basis.

Offer to plan an event for someone in your family or for a beloved charity. This gives you a chance to fine tune the knowledge acquired in your event planning courses and will give credibility to your job applications as you seek employment after finishing your event organization classes.

4. Take an internship position.

Do your event planning courses include an internship program? Taking advantage of internship event planning classes can go a long way to advancing your career. It will make your more attractive to recruiters and potential employers.

5. Work on your CV now.

As you are taking steps to boost your employability after event planning courses, set up a master resume document that you can use to track all of your accomplishments, so that you won't have to scramble to build a CV from scratch when you finally do finish your event planner courses.

6. Ask for letters of reference early.

Avoid the end-of-the-year rush: approach the teachers of your event planning classes early in the year to ask for those all-important letters of recommendation. Doing so is kinder to them and will only increase your chances of having strong recommendation letters when you finish your event planner courses.

By taking a little care now, you will increase the likelihood of finding a job immediately after you graduate from your event planner courses.

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