Wednesday, August 21, 2013

3 Social Media Strategies That Creates a Buzz for Your Event

You can now create a brand presence on various social media sites by undertaking an event marketing campaign. Nowadays, a majority of the event organizers opt for this strategy to make their events popular. To do that you need to create a buzz on the web. That is the only way you can reach out to a multitude of audience within limited time spans. Irrespective of the size, the style of presenting the event on various social media spectrums, help in shaping people's perceptions about the same. It is not just a platform to convey a message about an upcoming event but it adds to the credibility, corporate identity and brand.

Always being an active internet user is crucial to the success of a social media based event marketing campaign.. Be it any possible way like posting on the Facebook wall or being on the Hang Out section of Google+, every bit helps. Besides, it is also important to be a constant participant in online interactions and make friends. When you interact with your friends or partners online, your network becomes visible to them which further open the door for you to connect with hundreds and thousands of likeminded users.

Let me now outline some of the key strategies that you can consider to create that special buzz for your event:

Tagging People in Photos

Tagging people in photos helps your prospective attendees as well as their individual social circles and friends to see your events page. While doing so, you must make sure that the photos posted are of good quality. Hire a professional photographer to get quality pictures of your event. Ensure that the sizes of the photos are not too large and should not take much time to upload.

Using the Share Button

Make sure you post your promotional blogs with their related links on various social media networking sites like Facebook and Twitter with a click on the share button. This helps your event gain visibility. An increasing number of users actually come to know about your event through this viral marketing tactic.

Using Twitter Shout outs

You can trade Twitter shout out with coworkers, employees, contacts, friends and groups whom you follow. Using a shout-out gives your event increased exposure and brings you more followers. You can also hash tag your Twitter shout outs. This allows more people to take a notice of your announcements and read your message.

The marketing and advertising industries are constantly evolving so an event marketing campaign undertaken via social media is sure keep your company brand name and reputation in conversation.

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