Friday, July 5, 2013

Event Planning - Don't Forget the Branding

Planning a company event can be a daunting task. It can also be a lot of fun. Setting a date. Creating the right theme. Inviting the guests. And whether you're planning an open house or a company picnic, never waste an opportunity to promote your brand.

Choosing a Theme Most companies plan several events every year. The winter holiday party. The summer bbq. An open house with the local chamber of commerce. A dinner with your top clients. Or a fund raising event for a local charity. Whatever the event may be, make sure you take some time to think about your goals, and create an event that will achieve your goals and please your guests. Choosing the right theme is a key element for a successful event.

Setting a Budget Just as important as picking a theme is deciding upon a budget. Can you achieve the theme with your desired budget? There are plenty of ways to achieve your goals on a tight budget. One of our most successful events every year has been the company bowling party. It's also an inexpensive event that brings our staff closer together every summer.

Branding the Event From the initial invitations to the parting gifts, you will have numerous opportunities to promote your theme and your brand along the way. Remember that everything you do or say is part of your brand, and conveys a message to your guests. What message do you want to convey? Think of fun ways to invite your guests. Carry the theme and your company brand throughout the event. Serving dinner or snacks? Use custom coasters, personalized napkins or promotional cups to display your theme proudly. And if it fits in the budget, make sure everyone leaves with a branded item to remember the event.

Company events can bring your staff together, earn you new clients, and reinforce your brand. And with a little planning, it can be an event to remember.

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