Friday, May 24, 2013

Charity Event Tips: Motivating People to Attend Charity Events

In a recent poll, in which charity event attendees were asked how they chose which charity events to attend, they ranked the following factors from most to least important: a personal connection to the charity or cause of an event, a friend on the event's organizational committee, a chance to network or have dating possibilities, and a celebrity sighting. So, here are a few tips to keep in mind when creating your advertising campaigns and trying to sell those event tickets!

First, try to search out new ways to reach people who are affected by your charity's work. In fact, make this one of your event planning board's top priorities. In the short term, it yields higher ticket sales. In the long term, it sows seeds for a stronger, more durable network. Then, be selective about choosing your event planning committee. It's not enough to have committee members with lots of contacts. The only effective committee members are the ones who are willing to reach out and actively campaign to have their contacts attend the function. Also, don't hesitate to sell this year's event using images from a previous event by posting them on event invitations or reminder emails. Choose images of people who are having the time of their life to appeal to the attendees looking for networking or dating possibilities. Finally, realize that unless a celebrity is "B-list" or higher, that there is no point in spending time and effort enticing them to attend the event, because it's the least influential factor in drawing a crowd.

Concentrate on the factors outlined above, target your marketing campaign and advertising budgets accordingly, and your event should be a great success! Remember that your constituency base grows slowly over time by incorporating marginal elements - for instance, friends of friends who attend your event two or three years in a row. Online ticketing and useful charity event calendars are tools that philanthropists seek to purchase tickets to charity events, too. Remember, using these strategies will help you plan for long term development rather than short term success.

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