Friday, May 24, 2013

Make Your Christmas Party a Team Building Opportunity

With Christmas being only a few weeks away, there's still time to plan an "out of the box" Christmas get-together for your colleagues at work. Why not use this platform as an opportunity to create greater understanding between various teams and departments? Float the idea to your Management; they will surely go along with it. As an incentive, make the occasion a paid affair so that the Management does not really get an opportunity to complain about the budget and its related expenditures.

However, with only a few weeks away supervising the entire process of which employees will be interested in going along with collecting the funds manually is going to be a nightmare. Hence, move on to the 21st century and take a look at what technology based solutions do you have at your disposal. With a little bit of research and digging in, choose the solution that will best suit your purpose; maybe a software that is available for a free download. Avail of a Cloud-based, online event management solution and all your back-end operations will be taken care of.

Use the platform to progress to an online event registration service. Design a short form along with an e-mailer to float the ideas that you have for the holiday party. A fishing expedition, a go-karting event or even paintball are fantastic team building activities and works out as innovative holiday party experiences. Most of these event management solutions have pre-built marketing and productivity tools. Hence; the emailing tool is once such feature that comes free of cost, when you download this software. Get your employees to vote on which idea they like best; make the vote valid if the employee does it through submitting the form link sent by you. This automatically captures their basic information that you store the system's centralized database.

Select the idea that receives the majority votes and send out a "Save the Date" email to everyone who's shown an interest to participate. Proceed on to collecting the required funds to make this experience a reality. The Cloud-based, event registration system comes embedded with an online payment management interface. It is certainly a much more streamlined way to go about this exercise where there is no need to deal with hard cash. Employees will have access to a consistent platform through which they can proceed on to making their payments via number of modes available like credit cards, wire transfers or even use PayPal. The payment platform has the highest level of security in place; it is PCI compliant and SSL certified. Therefore, employees in your organization have nothing to worry about with regards to their personal and financial details being divulged to any third party agencies.

With all the back-end operations under control through expert supervision, ensure that you have made the required bookings with the agency for the Christmas holiday party. Work with your immediate team on the menu you think will fit best with the day's team building activities, keeping the Christmas spirit alive. Post event, remember to run a survey; this productivity tool again is available with the online event management solution, free of charge. Gather the feedback and make sure that you filter it town to the relevant organizing teams and have them incorporate relevant changes for future parties of this nature.

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