Thursday, May 23, 2013

How to Use Record Keeping As a Marketing Tool for Events?

Marketing an event well is as important as to create and manage it properly. If you cannot create awareness and spread the word out about your event, then be prepared to face lesser turnout at your event, despite the hard endeavors you have put in.

Event marketers are trying hard to come out with new ways to uphold their events. There are numerous ways to promote and create the buzz for your event, but do you know that record keeping can also help in intensifying your marketing endeavors. Proper record keeping is integral part of a successful event, and the captured information is vital to analyze the event's success and also as an effective marketing tool. Some tips are discussed below to help in effective record-keeping:

Tracking the Ticket Sales

There are numerous software available in the market that can track who the ticket was sold to, how they came to know about the event, payment method, and their feedback. Recording and reporting all these vital information would enrich the attendee data.

Using Every Sales Point to Market Your Event

Every Sales point, like the event ticketing website, can be used as an effective platform for marketing and feedback purpose. Engage your audience by asking interesting questions which would also ensure flow of valuable data. This would help to widen the reach and tailor the current and future events.

Marketing Right Through and After the Event

During the event, organizers or volunteers can walk through the crowd and engage in conversation about the event, their preferences and more. This research would be vital to know the overall outcome and also help in future planning. You should also follow-up with the ticket holder after the event and engage him for feedback, or even offer him a surprise gift. This would help in positive feedback about the event.

Valuable Financial Records

Records such as attendee numbers, sales report, payment, vendor payments, and media mentions act as a vital tool for developing an event, and are also used to shape future events, as well as getting future funds. Every person who is planning to attend, or attends an event is important. Any opportunity to engage in conversation should not be missed.

Record keeping is important in capturing valuable data for analysis of event health and future planning. Modern productivity tools and calendaring features takes off the load of manual data entry and record keeping.

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