Friday, May 24, 2013

Finding an Event Planning Agent for International Events

Staging an international event is not an easy job to fulfill. It covers lots of tasks to accomplish and challenges to overcome - from creative design and technical equipment to keynote speech as well as the logistic constraints. Therefore, if your company is planning to stage an international event, you and your team should underscore the importance of careful event planning. Your team might be good in executing local events but you have to realize that the level of challenge is higher when we talk of international events.

Finding an event planning agent...

Having an event planning agent(s) as part of your team can be a great help for the successful execution of your international event. Thus, it is necessary to carefully and intelligently choose the right agent that can be trusted to do some important tasks for your event. Because it is an international event - usually held overseas - there are certain qualifications you may need to include as you select an agent and these are the following:

  • Multi-lingual skills - this is a very important consideration when hiring an agent as part of your international event planning team. It is of great advantage that an agent you hire knows both the local language (where your event is to be held) and your language. It should be understood that language barrier, when not addressed properly, is one problem that can ruin an international event, which can occur even during the planning stage.

  • Has enough knowledge in local - an event planning agent greatly covers local-based tasks, which involve tasks like coordinating with local people (local culture), local staff, local participants, local logistics, event venue, media coordination, etc. The more your agent is familiar with the points stated above, the better.

  • Certifications/License - an event planning agent who has the necessary certification is usually more qualified that the one who does not have. A certification obtained from a reputable giving body or institution (like a federal entity) suggests that such person has passed the necessary requirements to do the practice. In addition to that, you must also know about agent's experience in this profession - is he/she doing it for more than a decade? Or is he just new to the business?

  • Freelance or company-employed event planning agent - you can opt-to hire a freelance agent or hire from an event planning company. What's the advantage of getting an agent from an event agency? First, there are lots of options to choose from; second, you are getting a company-scaled support rather than just a single individual.

1 comment:

  1. Very useful and so peaceful blog on corporate events agent. Such a good work and so good write up.
