Saturday, November 16, 2013

Great Ideas For Corporate Team Building Activities

Team building activities are well known for boosting morale, increasing performance and helping to instill a greater sense of 'belonging' within a company and consequently it increases a company's profit. In many ways corporate team building activities are similar to any other work related activity such as employee motivation, incentive schemes or general training.

To make a corporate activity day a successful one, one must plan it in a way that reflects the needs of the employees, from the top management to the employees of lower ranks.

Team building events are best held away from the usual distractions of the work place. This does not mean travelling miles or expensive destinations. Depending on the type of the event, it could be held in a conference room or in a local park. The key of a good event is to make it both enjoyable and informative.

There is a wide range of opportunities for team building exercises and games and they can easily fit in any budget. There are professional consultants who help companies select and organize such events. Here are some ideas for corporate team building activities-

Ideas To Improve Communication:

The see, hear and speak game may improve the communication skills among the employees. It highlights the need for precise communication.

Another good quick game is multiple balls. This is especially good for demonstrating to line managers what happens if they just keep chunking tasks (balls) at people without checking to see if they are ready to accept them.

Idea For Team Work Games:

Everyone enjoys fun team activities. They need a bit of brain power and lateral thinking. These activities take everyone through the levels of working alone to working as a team.

Examples of popular and fun activities and games include road rallies, sailing regattas, snowboarding, fly fishing, interactive seminars etc. the activities can be very simple and at the same time very sophisticated. The most common feature of many team building activities is that they put people into new challenges and fun situations that require much interaction between the team members. In this way they build a strong bonding among the members.

These corporate team building activities may also be treated as great ice-breaker at the opening of seminars and conferences as they engage all the members to help each other without realizing it properly.

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