Friday, November 15, 2013

Corporate Team Building Away Days - Has Your Team Lost Its Va Va Voom?

From time to time we all need a little help along the way. Is your company not performing as well as it should do? Is your staff in the doldrums? Do you feel you all need a lift?

Teamwork is the way most companies/organisations work these days and it is essential that staff and managers at all levels are able to get along with each other. It's not always easy for new staff to integrate into new surroundings with new colleagues and work to their optimum without a little push along the way in the form of encouragement.

It is important that all teams are able to communicate effectively, share ideas and demonstrate trust in each other, whether it is on an employee/employee, boss/employee, or team to team basis. Trust in each other will lead to more dialogue between members and give them the opportunity to discuss workplace problems with the common aim of agreeing upon solutions. Agreed solutions in turn avoids conflict in the workplace and can lead to a happy and harmonious workforce willing to work towards the company's greater success.

The way to optimise the above is to organise a team building away day for your staff, including yourself of course. Greater good-natured participation between team members will eventually lead to more effective ways of working, leading to the common goal. It's always a good idea if the boss joins in with the staff to show that he/she is faced with similar problems to them and is also part of a team, it will also demonstrate the 'human side'.

Team building events are guaranteed to be FUN whilst stimulating discussion between team members and provoking challenges to overcome problems (as reflected in the workplace). These events are designed to draw out strengths and weaknesses of individual members of staff with, in some cases, surprising results! Following post-event assessments of events some members of staff might have demonstrated strengths or weaknesses that you didn't know they had. This could be reflected in their jobs in the future and might ultimately benefit teams by recognising this and boosting their confidence.

It is a well-known medical fact that laughter releases chemicals such as endorphins and serotonin in the brain giving us the "the feel-good factor" which is a great form of preventative medicine and is a natural anti-depressant and stress-reliever. Laughter is a way we can be part of a group and it makes us feel more comfortable with each other, promoting greater co-operation in teams.

There are numerous events to choose from on the market from team building activities, motivational activity days and evening entertainment. Evening entertainment can take the form of themed party nights or Christmas parties with a particular theme to suit your company.

Maybe you wish to launch a particular product, then this can include your staff and specially bespoke days can be designed, which will make employees feel part of the company and be able to make personal contributions.

Perhaps you would like some event organised as part of a conference.

Maybe you would like to reward employees and their families and provide special family fun days.

Team building takes many forms and it is worth enquiring from corporate team building companies what form these can take.

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