Thursday, October 3, 2013

Top 5 Online Techniques to Manage Your Offline Events

Event organizers keep hosting one or more events throughout the year to meet new prospects and build strong connections. Organizers need to do a lot of work right from an event's creation till its completion. Whether you plan to host an event online or onsite (offline), you need to promote your events well so that it gets maximum attendance and in turn generates high revenues to meet your business goals.

Let's check out the top 5 online techniques to manage offline events.

Explore Social Media

From Facebook, Twitter to the more recent Google Plus, open accounts on these social media platforms to post your event details. These platforms are being explored by millions of professionals and business houses to instantly reach out to more people. Social media sites provide easy access to viewing profile pages of potential prospects and sponsors. You can search for like-minded people and gradually build up a network with the industry experts. You can create Facebook events to know what your attendees are expecting from your meeting or seminar and likewise adjust your events to satisfy them.


Create and maintain a professional blog to regularly post everything related to your event(s). You can write a short and highly engaging post on your upcoming fundraiser or post videos of your previous conference. In this way, you can attract millions of readers to your blog, giving them a chance to comment on your article. Provide instant replies to all comments to gradually bond well and build a relationship with the readers.


Sometimes, it may not be possible for an individual to attend your event due to inevitable circumstances. In that case, you can arrange for live-streaming to let those attendees who were interested in the event to still be able virtually participate. These attendees will still be able to experience the event and therefore will definitely try and attend the same next time.

Photo Streams

Flickr is a popular photo-sharing site, where lots of people share their most liked photos with other users. You can open an account on Flickr to start uploading multiple photos of your previous functions and gatherings. Ensure that the uploaded photos are of high quality and brilliantly depict the different moods of your occasion. The goal of uploading the photos is to share the experience with others and develop a liking for your event. Who knows they might decide to attend your concert or meeting next time because of it!

Recorded Video Content

Remember those live-streams you offered during your live event! You can record those as videos to share the same afterward on YouTube. In this way, you can share your events with others and generate a positive feedback from like-minded business professionals. People who felt like they missed out on an awesome event will surely access the content they missed out on.

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