Friday, October 4, 2013

Become a Top Wedding Planner - The Dos and Don'ts of Networking a Wedding Planning Business

You've started your wedding planning business, now you need to let people know about it. You can do online networking with Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites, but you still need to go out and meet people face-to-face. Here are some of the DO's and DON'Ts of networking a wedding planning business:


DO attend meetings specifically meant for businesses to network and exchange referrals. You might meet other wedding professionals with whom you can do business at these events.

DO have a 30 second "elevator speech" prepared that outlines your niche, services, and the benefits of using your services. Business referral and leads groups often ask members to stand and talk about their business, so be prepared to do some public speaking. You should also be able to talk confidently about what you do in a normal, one-on-one conversation.

DO join social organizations and associations that are not business referral groups, many referrals occur in a social situation.

DO follow up with the people with whom you feel you might be able to establish a business relationship. Arrange to have coffee to learn more about them and their businesses.

DO dress professionally when you attend business networking events. When you attend social events, dress appropriately for the event and remember that now that you are a business owner, you always need to look your best.

DO be prepared by carrying your business card at all times so you can give them to people whom you meet. However, don't just walk around a room handing out cards, give them to people with whom you actually have a conversation who want your card.


DON'T attend every networking event or group meeting that you hear about. You need to take the time to establish mutually beneficial relationships, not just collect a pile of business cards from people you won't remember later and who won't remember you.

DON'T go around the room making sales pitches. Have conversations, ask people to talk about themselves and their businesses and they will ask you to share your information with them.

DON'T allow people to abuse your time. Unfortunately you will meet people who try to get free information and event planning services from you. Be polite but firm in your commitment to your own business and your time.

DON'T overindulge in alcohol. Many business and social events serve some alcoholic beverages. Remember people are watching you, act responsibly and stay sober so you don't do something you'll regret later.

DON'T use networking as your only means of marketing. Wedding planners usually have good people skills and often really enjoy going out and talking with others. That's great, but don't put all of your eggs in one basket, use a variety of marketing tools.

If you are uncomfortable in situations in which you must do public speaking or walk into a room of strangers and strike up conversations, realize that it gets easier with time. If you want to jumpstart your skills, consider taking classes in public speaking and /or joining organizations that allow you to practice your speaking skills.

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