Sunday, October 13, 2013

Note to Self: Become Event Planner

There is a voice in your head saying, "Become an event planner." It has been there for a while now. It won't go away. You have been ignoring it for one simple reason: you're not sure how one goes about pursing a career in event planning anyway. The answer - as with so many things in life - is to break it down into smaller steps.

Step #1

Draw up a list of event planning courses in your area. Many community colleges near you offer a training program that will soothe in no time that voice in your head that encourages you, begs you to become and event planner.

Step #2

Phone the schools on your list. Find out if they offer campus tours or open houses.

Step #3

Visit the schools featured on your list. Take a notebook or smart phone with you so that you can jot down your impressions of each campus. Ideally, you should speak to:

  • someone in administration

  • teachers

  • students, past and present.

When you are visiting schools, make a note of how long the commute takes. Can you get to the school on public transit? Will you need to drive? This can have a big impact on the school you choose.

Step #4

Apply to the school of your choice. With a little luck, you will be accepted.

Step #5

Throw yourself into your studies! Most event planning courses are short - just one or two years long - so students must be prepared to make the most out of the short time.

What kind of courses will you be taking to, as the voice says, "become event planner"?

  • how to co-ordinate events

  • how to manage a tour

  • how to manage venues

  • basics of graphic design

  • event planning software

  • budgeting

  • managing risk

Step #6

You should also try to get some real-life experience to bolster your CV when you graduate. You can:

  • do a co-op course

  • work as an intern

  • volunteer to organize a fundraiser for a non-profit

  • organize an event for your family

Step #7

When you graduate, be sure to use the career placement services at the school of your choice to ease your transition into the working world. Remember that your teachers are valuable resources. A recommendation letter from a teacher who knows you well may help you land your first job, finally silencing that "Become event planner" voice in your head for good. Next step: find an aspiring event planner to mentor!

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