Monday, October 14, 2013

Event Planning Certification - How To Write An Event Planning Proposal

An event proposal is one of the means of advertising your event services to a particular customer. You have to include a number of details in your proposal to make a good impression on your client. Following are the things that you need to mention in your event proposal.

Appearance of your proposal:

Remember, this is a part of official letter so do not make it very fancy. Your event proposal must be formal, simple, with proper language, divides into sections, in paragraphs, and with heading. Take out more than one copy so that you can provide it to multiple clients with ease.


The first page of your proposal must tell the details of the event very briefly. You have to make the teaser very attractive so that you can gather people's attention intensely. Start with a poetic phrase or a line that touches the heart of the people. Then tell what the event is all about and who are invited.

Date of the event:

In the other paragraph, you have to write the date, time and venue of the event that is has to take place. If there is a registration for the event then you have to write some guidelines like last date for buying registering, fee for registration etc.

Supplementary information:

If there are, certain guests or entertainers invited in the event then you have to mention their name and what is their recognition.

Your personnel:

You also have to mention your personnel in the event proposal because people need to know about other people who are involved in organizing your event. Like you have to mention or services who are cooking the food, catering, lighting, decorating etc.


Event planning is a vast field and it has many categories. Clients would want to know the areas where you specialize. You can mention the types of event that you handle for example if you good at organizing wedding, then you will talk about that, write down your experience level and if you had chance to work for any famous personality then it will be a plus point for you so you should definitely write that.

Financial statement:

In the end, you will have to write down your financial statement divided into three sections revenue, expense and balance. You have to propose the estimated plan so that your clients can have clear view of your finances. In revenue section, you have to right down the money that you will be earning, in expense you have to write down how much money you will spend in paying the staff and for other expenses and then lastly you will make a balance sheet in which you have to tell how much profit you will get.

To learn more about event proposals you should acquire an event planning certificate so that you become more familiar with it.

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