Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Wedding Planning Certification Becoming the Industry Standard

The world of wedding planning has changed drastically in recent years. Movies and TV shows have raised awareness about the importance of having a Certified Wedding Planner to help with the thousands of details involved in planning for the big day. It is important to note that what you see on film is a Hollywood version of the business and barely scratches the surface of the real life challenges that go into being a successful wedding planner. It is one thing to plan a wedding for a friend. It is a completely different thing when you start to charge for your services and take on real clients.

Countless new wedding planners have entered this exciting field only to be out of business within months because they lacked the training and experience necessary to survive in this very competitive and challenging industry. This turns out to be a negative experience not only for them but also for the unfortunate bride who chose to hire someone who wasn't fully prepared for the task. This scenario also tends to cast wedding planners in a negative light with fellow vendors who often find it more challenging to work with an inexperienced wedding planner than if there were no planner at all. For this reason an increasing number of brides are making the decision to seek out a Certified Wedding Planner. There are a number of options available for those who are seeking certification.

Many local colleges and universities offer event planning classes. These courses may touch on weddings as part of the curriculum but in many cases the class will be focused more on corporate events. If you plan to enter the job market at a hotel, resort, cruise ship or other venue then this type of course would serve you well. Keep in mind that you will still require more focused training on weddings before you will have the skills necessary to take on wedding clients. Having an independent Wedding Planning Certification will enhance your resume.

When doing an internet search you will find several organizations who offer "Online" wedding planning certification. This type of course can take between nine to eighteen weeks to complete. The student is given course material either by mail or online and progresses through the training at their own pace. The cost of most of these programs will start at a thousand dollars and additional fees could be added depending on the package you choose. While online classes may be more convenient you will want to consider that this type of course will not offer the personal interaction with an instructor that only a classroom setting can provide.

There are many independent organizations that offer certification. Most of these programs will take about a week to complete although there are some that offer weekend courses. Programs like this are offered in select cities nationwide so you will want to find one in a city near you to avoid any additional travel expenses. You can expect to pay about a thousand dollars for the initial course although some are available at a more reasonable rate. Avoid organizations that require you to pay ongoing membership dues for your certification to remain valid. That would cost you thousands of dollars over the span of your career. Also beware of any organization that claims to be "The only way" to achieve your certification. There are several valid ways to become a Certified Wedding Planner. Every organization that offers certification does so based on its own criteria and most certificates are recognized nationally.

There are some organizations like The Bridal Society that offer special discounts to students at select colleges. Depending on the time of year, you may be able to find a course in your local area for as little as four hundred dollars. This organization offers Wedding Planning Certification but does not require that you pay ongoing dues for your certification to remain valid.

It is important to choose a certification program that best fits your schedule and budget. No matter which program you choose it is well worth the money to gain the expertise and training that will set you apart in the highly competitive world of wedding planning. If you plan to be in business for the long haul then you owe it to yourself and your clients to become a Certified Wedding Planner.

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