Although many times in your life you will feel that the event you are trying to put together such as a party or a conference requires an event planner, you are not able to arrange one. This could be because of a number of factors. For example, the event planners you are contacting may be very busy and you might have given them a very short notice. Or, it might not be in your budget to hire an event planner. In such circumstances, whether you like it or not you have to become your own event planner. Fortunately, the process of event planning is not rocket science and most of the times it is also a rewarding and fulfilling experience. First step that one can use as an amateur planner is start writing. List up everything you can think of whether or not it is in a certain organized manner or not. Ask other people involved in the event if you are missing a certain category.
After that is done, subgroup the list by putting relevant subtopics into relevant major topics so that you have a list that looks similar to one with a guest list, party supplies, location scouting, food, decorations, music, and also a cost list so you can keep track of your budget. Next thing is to start making calls going from the more general subtopics to the more specific ones as the general ones have been knocked down. For example, if food is a general category, call your mother first to argue what cuisine is preferred for that party.
After you have an agreement, then call up all the Chinese restaurants to get rates per head for you party and see if they are available to serve on the day of your event. After you have reached a price and date agreement, then go down to specifics on which food items are to be ordered. This was just an example but I hope you understood what I meant by breaking it down by tackling the more general to the more specific pointers on your list. Multitasking is also an important part of event planning so have your self prepared for that. You cannot wait to completely finish a task before starting another- not during the planning of the event and neither at the day of so make sure you at least have personal helping hands like family and friends to make the event happen.
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