Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Putting Up With Caterers & Event Planners

Warning: If you ARE a caterer, you will be offended, if you are a Mobile Bartender, chances are you have been offended BY a caterer!

In my experience as a Mobile Bartender, I have often noticed that myself and my bartending staff has always run into problems with caterers. It seems that there are power struggles and ego-trips at play with both parties...especially when YOU have been hired by the Host, NOT the caterer.

Caterers and party planners like to have full control of everything and so they may start telling you how to do your job or treat you like one of their employees.

This quick article is intended to help YOU (the Mobile Bartender) "deal" with caterers during your events. So, let's ALL put our egos aside and take some advice that does work:

1. Caterers ARE Control Freaks! - They have to be, that's why they are so good at what they do! So you must accept that fact and understand how their mind works if you want to have a pleasant night while working with them

2. You BOTH want the Same End Result - Both you and the caterer want the event to be as spectacular as possible. As long as you aware that you and the caterer/party planner want the same outcome, you can begin to work better together.

3. Be Proactive-Introduce yourself! - As soon as you arrive at the event (or even a few days beforehand) introduce yourself to the caterer or whoever is in charge. It is also good to meet any staff that the caterer may have brought along)

4. Offer Your Assistance - Do your best to finish setting up your bar-area early so you can offer help and assistance to the caterer. They will appreciate this.

5. Kill them with Kindness! - If you find a caterer that is being rude or treating you poorly, react by "killing them with kindness!" Compliment them on their work, their staff, their attention to detail. They LIVE for these compliments,so shower them! hint that you are looking for caterers to refer to your clients-take their biz cards

6. Use Leverage! - You are the MOST-desired bartender in your area (or at least you present that image!). Ask your caterer for some of his/her business cards and mention that you have A LOT of clients always asking for good caterers so you want to refer them business!

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