Sunday, October 6, 2013

Communication is a Key Element of Great Service For Event Production Companies

You can find many event planning companies these days. Just do a quick Google search and you'll see hundreds pop up. This article identifies some ways that potential clients can choose the really good event companies from the fly by nights. As a potential customer, after reading this article, you should be able to better identify a company that is right for you. If you are an event planner, read on, you just might pick up some tips.

The first and most important element of any great company is communication. From advertising to finalizing a contract with a client, the event company is projecting its image and forming the client's expectations and developing a sense of trust. At the beginning it is important that the customer know what type of services are provided and what services are not. The company website is helpful in this regard. The website should include at a minimum, the following information: area of coverage, contact information, accompany description, a gallery with pictures of equipment and services provided. Even better on the site is customer testimonials. All of these elements should be designed to give the client an accurate picture of what the company can provide.

Once an Event company has been chosen, it is even more important that the customer understand exactly what they are getting. This may seem simple but I've seen a few cases where this has led to disaster. At one company that I consulted for, a casino party with blackjack tables, a craps table and a roulette table was rented out for a Saturday evening party. The client thought that the blackjack tables would be the standup type but, low and behold, sit-down tables were delivered. The client had no room and no chairs for the sit-down tables. The problem was resolved but, needless to say, the client never used that company again. The point is, if there is any room for doubt, tell the customer what you are doing. They may sometimes get tired of hearing all of the detail, but the company is doing them a great service by avoiding potential pitfalls.

Providing a factual, honest portrait of the company and giving the client all the information required to not have an unwelcome surprise are two important elements of great communication by an event planning company. Mastering these will go a long way towards insuring the success of the clients' event and will help build a long time relationship with that client.

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