Sunday, September 22, 2013

Quality Banquet Tables For Event Planners & Facilities

If you are an established facility or just getting started research for your business and buy commercial-grade products. Too often I hear I bought it at Wal-Mart or Costco, not a problem for the occasional home user but event planners should always buy industry items.

Do your research and find companies that cater to the event trade when looking to purchase products. Tables are just one example of when not buying wisely can cost. Commercially made products are not designed around price they are designed around long term usage and durability.

Tables may look to be the same but soon the quality come through in how it performs, wooden tables with either plastic or metal bullnose is the best, lacquered top and bottom provide a smooth surface so cloths won't snag when put on the tables. Try to purchase the same tables so if you won't be covering your tables they will have continuity.

The edge of the table is important too. While some newer tables have wider lips the standard is 3/4" which can accommodate the least expensive clip size for skirting.

But the most important thing is the legs and strength of the table. If you set up a table with dishes, flatware and serving trays and it collapses a lot more than a spoiled event is at stake your business maybe in jeopardy. You have to make sure that the tables will stand the test of time because you will be using them daily or weekly.

Ask an expert for information on all products and services that will offer you both value for your money and peace of mind during events.

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