Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How to Effectively Plan For Your Green Event?

You can now stand out from your competitors by planning your event in an environment friendly and sustainable manner. Going green can not only enhance your company's reputation, but also brand value. The increased preference of people towards a more environment friendly approach has nowadays forced companies to go green especially when organizing events. Lately, it is seen that, the worlds of cost effective and eco-friendly are gradually converging in terms of cost cutting and time saving. No matter the type of event you are organizing, it is easy to go green with proper planning. Here are some steps that can help you to organize your event in an environment friendly manner.

Come Up With Something Creative

To leave an ever lasting impact, you need to come up with something creative in your promotions and marketing campaigns. You can sit with your staff and strategize on how to cut down on printing flyers and advertisements and come up with something innovative that is more environment- friendly. You can opt to market you event on various social media networking sites that allow you to promote your event in a cost effective manner and thereby connect you to hundreds of online users. You can also undertake carefully strategized email campaigns to reach out to your potential contacts. Make sure that the technology you adopt is absolutely paperless.

Creation of Your own Website

You can also enhance your event's visibility by designing of your very own website and customizing it with colorful graphics and videos that can easily draw attention. At the same time you also need to make your site immensely informative by prominently displaying your contact details. Try to achieve a balance between the two extremes so that your prospective attendees that they have all the relevant information that they need whilst surfing a user-friendly and interesting interface.

Ease of Registration and Ticket Availability

Instead of the conventional manual registrations, you can adopt various Cloud-based software products that give you the ease of online registration and ticketing. These products allow you to create as well as customize your registration page in less than 20 minutes. Prospective attendees can sign up by filling in their personal details and then purchase the tickets online.

Ease of Payment

If you are opting for Cloud-based software products then you do not need to worry about your payment norms as it comes embedded with payment management facilities. Your attendees can make their payments either through multiple credit cards or standard payment gateways. You are also able to create your own merchant account and accept payments directly. These payment norms are quite secure so attendees are prevented from any kind of fraudulent transactions.

Post Event Promotion

You can also undertake post event promotion by recording videos and photos and uploading them on various social media networking sites. This allows you to convey the nature and experience of the event to people who did not get a chance to attend it. For those you have attended, can share their experiences and feedback regarding your event which helps you in quantifying your event's impact.

Go green and make your events innovative so that it is remembered by all those who attended the program.

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