Saturday, May 18, 2013

Online Event Registration Can Be Cost Effective and User Friendly

Whether you're planning a golf outing, an annual meeting, or a fund raising event, the convenience of offering online event registration can favorably affect both attendance and revenue figures. Making use of an online registration system also projects a more professional image to the public and demonstrates that your organization is attuned to technology and the latest methods of doing business. In addition to business and organizational uses, online registration systems are also widely used to help administer educational programs and training events, such as college courses, continuing education classes, professional workshops, and seminars. While event registration systems may not always be a one-size-fits-all solution, the more customizable and flexible a system is, the greater the chances are that it will fit the requirements of individual businesses and organizations.

Beyond the convenience factor that online event registration offers to registrants, event organizers also benefit in a variety of ways. One of the main advantages of web-based event registration is the ability to capture vital data that helps manage the event from planning to implementation. An optimal registration system, for example, would allow for the creation of an unlimited number of event registration pages, without having to incur additional costs. A feature that provides value to organizers and attendees is when the online system automatically emails details of the transaction to each online registrant after they've completed the online process.

To maximize a business's ROI for a conference or other event, it's advisable to compare prices of online payment systems and services. Two things to keep in mind when evaluating costs are the amount of the gateway fee that's charged and the cumulative effect of the transaction fee., for example, is one of the larger companies associated with online payment and registration services, but its comparatively high gateway fees can take a big chunk out of the proceeds out of a fundraising event, conference, or seminar. The same can be said of PayPals's relatively hefty transaction fees. Those fees, which can and do add up, can be avoided by taking advantage of less costly alternatives. While the services of higher priced providers may meet the needs of some companies and organizations, the budgetary impact of expensive gateway or transaction fees can often outweigh the advantages, especially on companies and organizations with limited budgets.

From a corporate branding perspective, it's also desirable to choose a merchant credit card processing service that offers an ample amount of customer control over the graphical look and feel of the online payment interface. It's another element that enhances the level of professionalism and credibility that's presented to the public, and also helps imprint an organization's identity and name on the minds of members, donors, and customers

In addition to affordability, ease of use, and flexibility, another important factor to include on your checklist of must-haves is online security. Choosing a hosting provider that is a PCI DSS compliant will go a long way toward protecting sensitive data and providing both you and your registrants with peace of mind.

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