Friday, March 1, 2013

BMX Stunt Shows and Business Block Parties

Need a BMX Bike Stunt Team to Perform a BMX Stunt Show for Your Business Block Party, Event, Festival, or Venue?

As rough economic times have fallen on most people and business owners alike, of which, consumers and business owners are now utilizing a myriad of resourceful and creative methods of saving and making money. Local business owners, large business owners, and big corporations are all continuously searching for inexpensive ideas to further promote their business, brand, products, or services.

Recently, local business owners and business owners alike have been getting very creative with marketing and advertising strategies for their businesses and have recently started to use BMX bike stunt teams for extreme stunt shows at business block parties and customer appreciation days. This concept is becoming more and more popular as it is a much cheaper method of attracting more traffic and attention for multiple businesses, while splitting the costs of the business block parties across the multiple businesses taking part in the said events.

Some businesses have found this method of cost cutting, cross promotion, a very effective means of advertising and marketing in a tight economy and on a low budget. The old saying - "Scratch My back, and I will Scratch yours", has quite frankly, fast become a very popular concept once again for people, consumers, and business owners alike.

Business owners have also been getting very creative in how they plan, execute, market, and advertise these business block parties. Once again the idea is to save money, in hopes of making more money. That being said, business owners have been inviting radio stations, TV stations, Media Outlets, Newspapers, non profits, other business owners, donations from other business owners for ad/marketing spaces (banners, shirts, giveaways, brochures, sales materials), restaurants and chefs, special guests, kids entertainment (bounce houses, games, face painting, clowns, cartoon characters...), bands, and maybe some extreme entertainment from BMX bike stunt teams or extreme stunt teams.

In essence, the basis for any business block party is to have something that appeals to as many different types of people as possible.

How to Plan A Business Block Party

Planning a venue or event can sometimes seem like a very daunting task. The fact that your business may just get that extra exposure it needs and at a cheap price may be worth the effort for not only one event, but numerous venues and events to come. Listed below are some general steps to follow when you are planning a local business block party.Brainstorm by yourself and then with other business owners. Get creative.

  • Find other businesses to come to event or sponsor/donate at event in exchange for shout outs over PA systems (radio,TV, and newspaper possibly as well)

  • banners hung and ads hung or displayed, sales and promotional material handed out...

  • Organize all information, businesses involved, materials needed, place to hold event, any required permits and paperwork, and marketing and advertising information.

  • Lay out a definitive plan of action and plan of action/to do lists for people and businesses involved in the event/venue.

  • Contact any non profits that may want to participate in the event as well. Such as blood banks, mobile pet non profits, book drives, schools, boy scouts / girl scouts, churches and other religious institutes, food drives and shelters, so on and so forth. These non profits may just help in getting the additional media exposure your business block party needs, best of all, it should be free.

  • Contact newspapers, radio stations, and TV stations to come out to the event to participate or cover the event.

  • Start the marketing and advertising campaigns at least a month prior to your event or venue. Leverage direct marketing and advertising, internet advertising and internet marketing, and mobile marketing and mobile advertising for maximum integration and exposure for any and all events and venues.

  • Start getting materials, businesses, services, entertainment in order and organized for the event. Make checklists, take inventory, micro manage, and communicate with all parties involved.

  • Finalize all details, confirm businesses and services, confirm entertainment and catering (or food), confirm non profits, and confirm media outlets. Check that all materials have been purchased and are ready for the actual event or venue.

Execution of a local block party event

If the event is set up, managed, and executed properly; the businesses involved should have nothing but a great time and hopefully a prosperous one to. Keep in mind that even if a business owner does not make on red cent, they have actually achieved more than they may understand. Using a business block party provides exposure, brand exposure, business image exposure, offline foot traffic, online web traffic and web exposure, possibly new leads and sales, and most importantly word of mouth advertising from people who actually went to the event.

So as you can see and hopefully understand, a business owners success is not always measured by the amount of money they make in any one given day, but more so how effectively they market and advertise their business while setting themselves up for future success. The trick of it is weathering the current economic conditions amongst the many other hardships of owning a business these days.

Need help with marketing and advertising of your business block party, special event, or corporate event?

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